How to use a smart map: methods and sample programs

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Mind maps are an amazing method of planning, structuring and remembering. It appeared quite recently, but very quickly became popular because of its versatility and practicality. The mind map is very easy to make, and takes its final form depending on your creativity, type of thinking and desire.

Scope and benefits

The secret of efficiency is very simple: the fact is that our thinking is organized just in this way, schematically, and not in the form of lines and lines. Plus, both hemispheres are connected to work.

The use of mind mapping is possible in absolutely all spheres of human life:

When working with information

How to use a smart map: methods and sample programs

That is, you can both prepare a report, presentation or lecture, and fix the main points, saving time and space. By the way, using such funny schemes during a speech, you will increase the interest of listeners in information, because you know how difficult it is to keep their attention in those places where there is a large amount of material, sometimes incomprehensible and complex.

During training

You can create notes, analyze data, capture the main points of the book you read, and even study for exams. The fact is that sometimes when rewriting material, we can “turn off”, thinking about our own, missing some important question for understanding. And in the process of creating a map, a large volume of the mountain of the brain is involved, which significantly increases the likelihood of putting the information received into the “departments” of long-term memory. Yes, and a visually creative image is fixed lightly.

When making decisions

After all, the process of drawing and creating unusual images stimulates creative thinking, making it easier to find a creative solution to even an impasse. Having initially written out the nuances of the problem, try to “look” at it from different angles, fixing all thoughts. Such ordering will help to look more realistically at the current circumstances, connecting logic and intuition.

Simplifies the brainstorming process

Ideas are not superimposed on one another, then lost in the chaos of information, but are structured. For example, after writing a topic or problem in the center, create branches around it that will be responsible for solutions, difficulties and consequences.

Used as a planning tool

Not only the work process, but also the budget, recreation, holidays and everyday issues. You can learn about other methods from the previous article.

For structuring

They help to create a family tree, structure goals and even think about ways to motivate, both personally for themselves, but also for employees.

How to compose

In order not to get just a sketch or a rough diagram that will not be useful at all in your activity, you need to know how mind mapping is done correctly. Use the detailed algorithm that the creator of mind mapping himself, Tony Buzan, offers:


  • The sheet should not have lines, cells and other elements, and it should be placed horizontally in front of you.
  • In the very center, write your main idea or problem that you want to deal with. This center piece is the base, so don’t be afraid to experiment with some patterning.
  • Stock up on colored pencils or felt-tip pens, in addition to the fact that it will be convenient to distinguish between all thoughts and mark priorities, it will also increase the likelihood of perceiving the material, remembering it. The colors themselves should be no more than 7-8, otherwise it will be difficult to focus. You choose at your discretion, but it is better to take into account the table below.

Color value

ColorValuePerception speed
GreenRelaxing and generally pleasant to the touch, if not the faded hue associated with hospital walls.Low
BlueGreat for backgroundLow
BrownThe color of reliability and stability, use it in financial matters.Low
BlueHelps to focus and get ready for workAverage
The blackClassic, better suited for writing textAverage
RedHelps to focus. The glance first of all «rushes» to him. It is better to highlight difficulties and possible dangers in redHigh
OrangeLike red, it is very eye-catching. Symbolizes energy, creativity, excitement and enthusiasmHigh
YellowWarmth, superiority and inspiration. Just don’t overdo it, too much can be irritating.High


  • Although this method is considered creative, when it is allowed to create as soon as it pleases, it must still have a clear sequence. That is, you should read in a circle, as if clockwise, in other cases you can number so as not to get confused.
  • Choose pictures, following the first word associations that arise. Then it will definitely never disappear from your memory. And in a situation where there will be very little time to repeat the material, you will only need to look at the drawings to remember everything that you encrypted there.
  • From the center word, start drawing branches, first with thick lines or arrows, making thinner with each level, so the hierarchy of each of them will be clear. It is important that there are no more than 7 branches from one object, otherwise the information will be difficult to perceive.
  • You should write in block letters, try to formulate your thoughts very briefly so that they consist of one or two words, and write them on one line. Come up with keywords that will “raise the whole layer” of the necessary material. Write letters depending on the size of the branches.


  • If new associations appear, and there is no longer room for them in the middle, then you can easily bring one branch to the far corner, defining a place for new ideas there.
  • Do not pay attention to examples of someone else’s mind mapping, because they reflect your style of thinking, creativity, and so on. If standards are followed, there will be little benefit and effectiveness.

Little tricks

  • Come up with some symbols that will help save time due to quick recognition. For example, ticks next to important and urgent matters, a triangle means you need to control the process, the sun means family matters …
  • In order not to get confused in the branches themselves, especially if there are a lot of them, then delimit them using squares, blocks, and as convenient.

Assistant programs

How to use a smart map: methods and sample programs

If you can’t draw, or you just don’t feel like it, you can use online programs where there are prepared templates, examples, you can upload your drawings and photos there, changing the background and choosing any color scheme.


Try to create several maps, this is a great way not only to structure information, but also to keep your brain in good shape in order to develop not only creatively, but also intellectually. If the information was useful to you, you can add a link to the article to your social media. networks — this will be the best gratitude for my work. The social media buttons are at the bottom. And that’s all for today, dear readers! Take care of yourself and loved ones!

Text for the article prepared by Zhuravina Alina

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