How to understand that labor has begun, early signs of labor
Can you skip contractions? Not to notice that the waters have moved away? How do you understand that yes, it’s time to urgently go to the hospital? It turns out that these questions pester many expectant mothers.
The first pregnancy is like flying into space. Nothing is clear, all sensations are new. And the closer the X hour, that is, the PDR, the more panic grows: what if labor starts, but I don’t understand? By the way, there really is such a possibility. Sometimes it happens that women give birth, getting up at night to drink some water – I went to the kitchen, woke up on the bathroom floor with a child in her arms. But it happens the other way around – it seems that everything begins, and the gynecologist sends home with words about false contractions.
We have collected the main signs of incipient labor, as well as how to distinguish them from a “false start”.
It doesn’t sound very pleasant, but what to do – physiology. When a child is ready to be born, certain processes are triggered in a woman’s body. In particular, the uterus begins to contract slowly. Essentially, the uterus is a large, powerful muscle. And its movement acts on neighboring organs, namely the stomach and intestines. Vomiting and diarrhea are common because of the onset of labor. Some gynecologists intelligently say that the body is so cleansed before giving birth.
By the way, nausea and bowel upset can greatly complicate life in the third trimester: the child grows, and the digestive organs have less and less space. Sometimes this attack is called late toxicosis.
Convulsions, tone, hypertonicity – the expectant mother will hear enough of these words by the time of childbirth. And sometimes he will experience it on himself. Yes, regular seizures are easily confused with contractions. False contractions are characterized by the fact that they roll at irregular intervals, do not intensify over time, do not interfere with speaking, there is almost no pain or it quickly passes when walking. But the real ones change the intensity when the fetus moves, they are concentrated in the pelvic region, they come at regular intervals and the further, the more painful.
Another difference between false contractions and real ones is cramps in the lower back. When false, painful sensations are concentrated mostly in the lower abdomen. And the real ones often start with cramps in the back, spreading to the pelvic region. Moreover, the pain does not go away even between contractions.
4. Discharge of the mucous plug
This does not always happen by itself. Sometimes the plug is removed already in the hospital. Before giving birth, the cervix becomes more and more elastic, and the thick mucous membrane that protects the uterus from bacteria penetration is pushed out. This can happen overnight, or it can happen gradually. You will notice it anyway. But not the fact that childbirth will begin right there! After separating the plug, it can take several days, or even weeks, before the baby decides that it is time for him.
When the plug comes off, blood vessels in the cervix can burst. A little blood is okay. She portends that childbirth will begin from day to day. But if there is so much blood that it looks more like a period, you need to call your doctor immediately.
All five of these signs indicate that everything is about to happen. But there is still time to calmly pack the bag and make the final preparations. But there are also signs of an active phase of childbirth, which mean that there is no time left, an urgent need to rush to the hospital.
Send the waters away
This phase is very easy to skip. The waters do not always flow away, like in a movie, with a waterfall. This happens 10 percent of the time. Usually, the waters leak slowly, and this can last for several days. However, if the discharge of water is accompanied by contractions, then this is definitely an active phase of labor.
Painful and regular contractions
If the break between contractions is about five minutes, and they themselves last about 45 seconds, then the baby is on the way. It’s time to go to the hospital.
Feeling of pressure in the pelvic region
It is impossible to describe this feeling, you will not immediately recognize it. The feeling of increased pressure in the pelvic and rectal areas means labor has indeed begun.