How to understand that it is time to change jobs and when is the best time to do it?

Hello dear blog readers! Sometimes people are so afraid of change that they are ready to give themselves to an unloved cause all their lives. And sometimes they do not know how to cope with a creative crisis, radically changing not only their place of work, but even their profession. Therefore, today I want to tell you about exactly how and when it is better to change jobs.

Attitude to work

There is such a thing as negative transference. That is, when we, for example, get a job, we fall madly in love with her, because the boss is wonderful, the team is friendly, the salary is high, and so on. But after a while, the charm will surely be replaced by disappointment, because we will begin to notice the reality, when colleagues turn out to be actually two-faced, and bosses are arbitrary at times, etc.

How to understand that it is time to change jobs and when is the best time to do it?

Or vice versa, we find ourselves in the office for some reason, and we categorically do not like it, but literally in a couple of months we understand how lucky we are. This is a negative transfer, usually it occurs after about six months, but each person individually, there are people who need years for this process. Some adapt to it, resigning themselves to the imperfection of the world, overcoming negative crisis moments. Others, as soon as they encounter disappointment, run away in search of a better one, and so on in a circle. And it is very important to learn to distinguish when it is time to write a statement, and when to just wait, especially if the decision is made in haste.

Reasons for looking for a new location


How to understand that it is time to change jobs and when is the best time to do it?

Sometimes, when we do not trust our feelings and thoughts, our body tries to reach consciousness with the help of symptoms. Therefore, if you notice that in the last year you have become sick often, if you feel unwell, and doctors can’t make a diagnosis in any way, think about what your body is trying to say with this? Take a vacation if possible and watch yourself. If you notice that you physically feel much better on the weekends, then this is a serious reason to start looking for a new job. So do not write off everything for lack of sleep and fragile health, in fact, the reasons for feeling unwell can lie on the surface, you just need to be honest with yourself.

Your productivity drops

It seems that you are trying as before, but you understand that there is practically no benefit from this. In the morning, you gather your thoughts for a long time, until the last moment you delay the moment of the beginning of the working day, calmly drinking coffee with employees, and in general, you have slowed down very much. A particularly striking sign is if the time has become rubbery, and you are looking forward to the evening, constantly looking at your watch.

And it doesn’t matter if your boss didn’t support your initiative, ruined your relationship, or you didn’t have the motivation to work there initially, but I think you already know how to do it right. Where you do not feel your usefulness, you will not feel fully happy, and neither you nor the company will benefit from your activities.


If there are more responsibilities, but the management is still unhappy, or you stayed up late to do more and get a promotion, but to no avail. And even worse, there are no prospects for further career growth. Agree, it makes no sense to linger for a long time where you cannot show your abilities and get the opportunity to earn more. Stability is good, but the world does not stand still, and some changes are still worth making, especially in the amount of wages. Otherwise, you risk losing self-respect, as you will understand that your work is not appreciated.

Not enough time for personal life

There are so many things to do that you do not have time to relax and be with your loved ones. Sometimes it is justified if you get full for your sacrifices, which makes it possible to achieve your goals faster. Provided that it is temporary and the family is ready to be patient and wait.

You have become very irritable, and for a long time

Looking forward to the weekend, on weekdays feeling very miserable. Only if this state lasts too long, otherwise, at the first reluctance to go on a shift and the thought that I want to do something else, you can quit, and then regret your decision, realizing that it was a momentary weakness or a negative transfer occurred.



How to understand that it is time to change jobs and when is the best time to do it?

If you have lost interest not only in your duties, but also in life in general, try to figure out if you suddenly have depression, and, having coped with it, everything will work out for you at work. Otherwise, then you will have to worry about the future and regret the lost. See the article «Symptoms of astheno-depressive syndrome and how to treat it.»

Do you need to quit?

  • To get started, try talking openly with your boss about the reason for wanting to leave the company. Perhaps he will be able to entrust you with another project, give you more responsibilities and opportunities to unlock your potential. In the case of dissatisfaction with the level of payment, it is more difficult, especially if you are used as a labor force without paying extra for processing, but then there will be less doubt, you will leave with a sigh of relief.
  • To understand the true motivation for making a decision to dismiss, try to answer yourself a question by choosing the appropriate wording: are you running from something or, conversely, towards something?
  • If you have long understood that you don’t have the strength to stay, but are just afraid of change, then remember the article “15 effective techniques for getting rid and correcting fears”, we talked about the importance of looking fear in the face and taking the first step, because in fact, this is the only way to deal with it. So tell yourself: «I’m afraid …» and step forward towards something new, because life passes, and it is important to appreciate every moment of it, and not wait for the weekend to come sooner.


How to understand that you are devaluing yourself and it’s time to make changes? Yes, it’s easy, you just need to monitor payments in other companies for the same responsibilities as yours. And if the difference is palpable — write a statement without any regrets.

If the decision has already been made

How to understand that it is time to change jobs and when is the best time to do it?

  • If you decide to quit, you should not express your true opinion about them to your colleagues and superiors. Life is very unpredictable, and suddenly you decide to return, realizing that you have made a mistake — they will definitely not be happy to see you. Burning bridges is certainly not an option in such matters.
  • Prepare the arguments for your decision in advance, otherwise they may start to put pressure on you, persuading you to stay, sometimes even resorting to threats. Take this step when you are firmly convinced of your intentions.
  • Be sure to thank management and colleagues for their time and experience, support, and sometimes kicks for development. Even in the worst place, we acquire valuable knowledge not only about the profession, but also about ourselves personally.
  • If possible, before applying, take care of the future by looking for interesting options in advance so as not to go “nowhere”.



That’s all for us today, dear readers! And remember that change is new discoveries, new horizons and opportunities that should not be missed. Treat them with interest and excitement, the main thing is that you do not let anxiety reconsider your intentions. Especially if you see absolutely no prospects in the same place. The main thing is confidence in yourself and your abilities, as well as the support of loved ones. Good luck and accomplishments!

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