How to twist your hair into papillotes. Video
Papillots have been around for centuries and still remain a popular curl-making tool. Their advantage is that this type of curler is suitable for any hair and does not injure the hair.
How to twist your hair into papillotes?
Papillots are a special type of curler known from the earliest times. In antiquity, wigs made from natural hair decorated with small curls were popular among men and women. Curls were made using small pieces of paper or fabric, onto which the strands were wound. These were the first papillotes. The modern industry produces factory papillotes – flexible tubes made of foam rubber or plastic on a wire basis. Usually at one end of the papillote there are velcro-hedgehogs, to which the tip of the strand is attached. Papillots are very light and comfortable, which allows you to sleep peacefully in them, and the soft material does not injure your hair. In addition, the curling procedure itself is quite simple, and you can curl easily and quickly without assistance. Papillotes can be made by itself – from thick paper, fabric and pieces of wire.
Wash your hair thoroughly with a mild shampoo and moisturizing balm. Washing will make your hair more manageable. Dry your hair slightly with a towel, but do not use a hair dryer. Fasten the top of your hair at the crown and start winding the lower strands, first at the back of the head and then at the sides. Separate small strands, then apply styling product along the entire length and gently curl the hair into the papillotes, starting at the ends. Secure the papillotes by connecting their ends or bending and twisting. Leave it on for a few hours or overnight until your hair is dry. If you are going to sleep in papillotes, put on a cloth cap so that your hair does not get tousled. Unwind the curlers gently so as not to damage the curls. Finish styling by combing your hair with your fingers and sprinkling with varnish. As a result, you get natural, slightly asymmetrical curls.
Unlike conventional curlers, which create straight curls, papillots will not provide you with the same, symmetrical curls; each strand will look different. But this styling will create the effect of naturalness and negligence.
How to make papillotes at home
If you do not have ready-made papillotes, you can curl your hair into oblong pieces of thick paper or cotton. This method of making papillotes is also popular: cut the paper and fabric into equal strips, wrap the paper strips in fabric and wind them around your hair. Use the ends of the fabric as ties, they will hold your improvised curlers tightly.
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