If you are interested in self-repair of Ardo washing machines, then the machine has broken down and you would like to save on repairs.
While others urge you to call the master, we will help you carry out the repair yourself. To make it easier for you to understand everything, we will look at the main breakdowns, fault codes and provide detailed repair instructions.
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Typical and rare breakdowns of Ardo washing machines
Service center masters claim that all malfunctions in ARDO brands are divided into 2 types: typical and rare.
Typical. These are failures that are typical for all washers, not only the Ardo brand, but also any others. For example, in every machine such a misfortune can happen: water does not drain, it leaks, the drum is blocked, and so on.
Rare. Such breakdowns are associated with the brand of the machine, and depend on the technologies used in the manufacture of the CM. These include a tank overflowing with water, insufficiently heated water, and others.
Attention! According to experts, in 9 out of 10 cases, conventional and top-loading Ardo washing machines bother owners with typical breakdowns that are not related to production features. This once again proves that the ARDO technique is quite reliable.
Breakdowns typical of SM Ardo
A breakdown is usually reported by a number of signs. By carefully studying them, you can recognize the failure. Therefore, it is better to start with an overview of the signs of breakdowns that occur most often:
- Water does not drain. This can happen for a number of reasons, among which, mainly, a blockage in the drain system, consisting of a pipe, a drain hose and a pump (drain pump). It is extremely rare that this problem occurs due to the failure of the temperature sensor.
- The water stopped heating. This is especially noticeable in high-temperature washing modes. You can understand that the water is not heated by cold linen and unwashed stains on it. The failure of the heating element (heater) causes a breakdown. Limescale and scale slowly but surely destroy the part, causing it to burn out. The wasted resource of the part is not excluded.
- The drum stopped spinning – it was stuck, as if rooted to the spot. The device of Ardo washing machines is such that the drum is driven by a special belt. If the belt flies off the pulley or breaks, the tank stops spinning. In this case, you need to fix or replace the belt.
- Noise and “left” sounds – knocking, hum, rumble. If you hear them in operating mode, then the reason lies in the bearings. An object that has fallen into the tank is often noisy – a button, a coin, etc.
- Water leak. The fault of a dangerous breakdown is a violation in the pump or nozzles. In the most difficult case, you will need to replace the bearing and seals of the Ardo washing machine.
- Program crash. The machine does not start. All this is typical for the failure of the control module.
Do not panic, you can often do without a master. Perhaps, by correctly identifying the breakdown and its cause, you can fix the washer yourself.
Frequent error codes for Ardo washing machines
Modern washing machines are complex devices with breakdown codes programmed into the microprocessor. They appear on the display whenever a failure occurs.
In the most common cases, Ardo brand CMs display the following error codes: E00, E01, E02, E03, F2, F4, F5, F13, F14.
Code | The reason, the problem |
E00, E01 | Clogged drain filter, so water does not leave the tank. |
E02 | Disturbed drain during spinning due to incorrect position of the drain hose. |
E03, F4 | The drain time is increased due to a breakdown of the pump (drain pump). |
F2 | Failure of the temperature sensor, heating element or electronic module. |
F5 | Self-draining of water by the machine, incorrect connection of hoses. |
F13, F14 | Electronic board failure. |
We fix the breakdowns of SM Ardo with our own hands
If the Ardo washing machine showed one of the listed errors, do-it-yourself repairs are possible in almost all cases except the last one. Although, you can still flash the electronic module if you have certain skills and tools.
Elimination of blockage (E00, E01), replacement of the pump (E03, F4) in Ardo machines
Having determined the breakdown, decide right away – you will call the workshop or repair the CM yourself. Sometimes you really don’t need to pay the master, because the failure is easy to fix yourself. If we are talking about blockage, then you can handle it without outside help.
The main location of blockages is in the drain filter. To clean it, proceed in this order:
- Find a small hatch on the front panel at the bottom and open it. No sunroof? Remove the panel.
- Lay an absorbent rag on the floor – the remnants of waste water will merge there.
- Turn the valve to the left to unscrew it.
- Pull the filter towards you and remove it from the hole.
- Rinse it under the tap, remove the wound threads, hair and other debris.
- Reinstall the filter.
Difficulties may be that the accumulation of debris is often not only in the filter area, but also in other places in contact with dirty waste water: drain hose, pump and nozzles. To clean them, you need to disassemble the washer. If some small object is stuck in the tank, the machine will also have to be disassembled.
Replacing and cleaning the pump (pump) is a more troublesome procedure, but quite real: you just need to be able to handle tools in order to properly disassemble, and most importantly, assemble the machine.
How to disassemble the Ardo washing machine? The pump can be reached from the bottom (then the car must be put on its side), or by removing the plastic bar. Details of cleaning the drain pump are shown in this video:
If you decide that in order to troubleshoot the Ardo washing machine, you need to clean the drain hose, proceed as follows:
- Remove one end of the hose from the sewer pipe.
- Unhook the other end from the pipe connecting the hose to the pump.
- Take a flexible cable with a small brush at the end (usually this is how bottles are cleaned).
- After cleaning the hose mechanically, rinse it under the tap.
- Install the hose in reverse order.
Repair of electronics in washing machines Ardo (F2, F13, F14)
Speaking of replacing the control board, it cannot be said that it is too difficult – this is a repair of medium complexity. The main problem is that you cannot always be completely sure that the replacement of the entire module is required. Often, in order to restore the functionality of the SM, you just need to repair the board.
Do not forget that the module is expensive, sometimes up to 1/3 of the cost of a new washer. Often, with a complete breakdown of the board, the owners of Ardo washing machines decide not to suffer and buy a new SMA.
Repair is so specific that it is not enough to be able to handle the tool; knowledge in the field of electronics will not interfere here. A 100% specialist knows better what to do if a module breaks down. Do not risk an expensive detail, find a good master better.
Important! There were cases when home craftsmen changed the module with their own hands with a disastrous outcome: after connecting all the sensors and contacts, the new module burned out.
Do-it-yourself bearing replacement
We will talk about the most difficult type of repair: the replacement of bearings and seals. In this case, you need to disassemble the machine completely, remove the drum and, not without difficulty, remove the old bearings. Tools and experience are a must.
If you decide to try your luck and remove the bearings yourself and install new ones, this video will help you:
Replacing the heating element (F2) in the Ardo typewriter with your own hands
If the washing machine has stopped heating the water due to the fact that the heating element has already worked out its resource or is overgrown with scale and burned out, we will change it.
Buy a new heating element that fits your Ardo washing machine model (A 800, A 600, A 1000 x, AE 833, TL 800 EX and others) and proceed as follows:
- Unscrew the case back cover.
- Arm yourself with a tester and check if there is voltage on the contacts of the thermoelectric heater. You will quickly find it – the shank of the element sticks out at the bottom of the tank (during the check, turn on the CM to the heating mode).
- If there is no power, check the temperature sensor. Carry out two checks: at normal temperature and after heating (splash with hot water). If the resistance is stable in both cases, the sensor also needs to be changed.
- Additionally, check if the heater relay contacts are jammed (the relay is located near the control board).
- If there is power, then the heating element has burned out and needs to be replaced.
- To replace, remove the wires and unscrew the bolt holding the heater in the shank area.
- Slowly loosen the heating element from side to side and remove it by pulling it towards you.
- Clean the area where the heater was located – there may be debris.
- Install a new heating element by connecting all the necessary contacts and a temperature sensor.
As you can see, self-repair is a simple matter if you treat it responsibly. Ardo washing machines are of high quality, and it’s a pity to throw them into a landfill at the first breakage, thinking that repairs will cost exorbitant prices. You can save a lot by fixing the washing machine at home with your own hands.