How to treat the weeds

How to treat the weeds

Weeds cause a lot of trouble for gardeners. These harmful plants quickly conquer new territories, thereby preventing the growth of cultivated plants. Therefore, many gardeners are interested in how to treat weeds in order to destroy them once and for all. There are many drugs created for just these purposes. But they differ not only in name, but also in the principle of action.

How to cultivate the land from weeds?

Herbicides have long been the gardener’s best aids. These preparations quickly and effectively destroy all known weeds. They can be divided into contact, system or continuous actions. In addition, some of them are recommended to be used before sowing, while others can be used during the growing season.

Specifically to find out how and what to treat the weeds, you can learn from the video

There are many different herbicides designed to combat weeds. The following drugs are especially popular with gardeners:

  • Zenkor 70 WG.
  • “Antiburyan”.
  • “Panther”.
  • “Titus 25”.
  • Roundup Max.
  • “Hurricane Forte 500 SL”.
  • Chistopol.

Each of them has a different principle of action. But all drugs have one thing in common – they are quite poisonous. Therefore, when processing, you should be careful and try to prevent the solution from getting on beneficial crops. In addition, it is recommended to wear a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a filter mask when using herbicides.

How to cultivate the land from weeds in the fall?

In most cases, weed control should be carried out during the growing season of the plants. But various pesticides can also harm beneficial crops. Therefore, experienced gardeners are advised to carry out processing after harvest. But in order to successfully destroy perennial weeds, you will need to adhere to the rules of dealing with them:

  1. After harvesting, dig up the vegetable garden and apply the manure to the soil.
  2. Do not rush to treat the soil with herbicide right away. You need to wait until the weeds grow a little.
  3. Treat the weeds with the Roundup systemic preparation.

For these purposes, it is better to choose a calm day. In addition, it is desirable that after treatment there was no rain for at least 6-12 hours. Then the herbicide will have time to act, and next spring you will not know any problems with weeds.

There are many drugs that help to destroy weeds on the backyard. But in working with them, it should be remembered that the funds are poisonous not only for weeds, but also for cultivated plants, as well as for the health of the gardener. Therefore, care should be taken during processing.

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