How to treat streptococcus viridans?

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How is streptococcus viridans treated. What does a large amount of streptococcus viridans in a child’s throat mean? Is it the cause of frequent throat infections? Is it a dangerous condition for the child’s health?

How is streptococcus viridans treated?

Good day. I am the father of a six-year-old daughter, Patrycja. In October, my daughter was diagnosed with angina. She was given an antibiotic, chose the entire course of treatment, and was at home for about two weeks. After the control visit, the doctor said that he could go to kindergarten. From then on, everything was fine, my daughter went to kindergarten every day, she was not ill. However, last weekend she started complaining that her throat was sore again. On Monday we went to the doctor who said it was a sore throat.

In order to find out whether it is viral or bacterial inflammation, he recommended that we take a throat swab. It turned out that the daughter had a very large amount of streptococcus viridans in her throat. What does it mean, what do many mean streptococcus viridans w gardle? What is it in general? Could this be the cause of my daughter’s frequent throat infections? How to treat streptococcus viridans? Is an antibiotic necessary in this case, or can streptococcus viridans be treated in some other, less invasive way? Is streptococcus viridans dangerous to health?

As any parent I am concerned about my daughter’s health, I would like to act as soon as possible on the treatment of streptococcus viridans. Thank you very much, Piotr.

The doctor explains what streptococcus viridans are

Streptococcus viridans is normal oral bacterial flora. Its presence in the oral cavity and other bacteria belonging to the physiological flora is completely natural and does not indicate the presence of any disease. These bacteria live in our throat, constituting a natural protective barrier against pathological microorganisms.

Acute pharyngitis is most often caused by viruses, including adenoviruses, Epstein and Barr viruses causing infectious mononucleosis, Coxsackie viruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, influenza A and B viruses, parainfluenza, cytomegalovirus and others. Bacterial etiology is much less common.

Streptococci predominate among the bacteria that cause acute pharyngitis. Bacteria Group A Streptococcus pyogenes causes angina. A significant increase in the incidence of angina is observed in children who stay in large groups, such as nurseries and kindergartens. Before starting the treatment of acute pharyngitis in a child, the doctor differentiates the viral aetiology of the disease from the bacterial one. This is very important as it affects the choice of treatment. The doctor makes a diagnosis based on the history, presented symptoms and physical examination.

Assesses the probability group A Streptococcus pyogenes infectionswhich causes streptococcal angina. Suspected bacterial etiology of acute pharyngitis is an indication for a culture or enzyme immunoassay. A negative result of the culture with a high probability excludes a bacterial etiology, which allows for the abandonment of antibiotic therapy. Treatment for viral pharyngitis is symptomatic.

Antipyretic drugs, analgesics, and hydration are used. Confirmation of streptococcal infection in studies requires the inclusion of antibiotics. This treatment reduces the complications of the disease, the severity of symptoms and the duration of the disease. If your daughter’s symptoms persist, take the child to the pediatrician.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

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