How to treat sore throat in infants. Video recommendations
The causes of sore throat in infants are different. In some cases, the virus is to blame, in others – teething teeth, in others – allergies. Therefore, before starting to treat the manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to identify their primary source.
How to treat sore throat in babies
The best medicine for a baby is mother’s milk
If the baby’s throat is red and he coughs, how to treat the baby’s throat? Colds can be one of the reasons for the illness. In this case, the most useful procedure for him will be attachment to the mother’s breast. It is known that mother’s milk contains enough vitamin C, which is indispensable for colds, minerals that will prevent the child’s body from becoming dehydrated, as well as immunoglobulins and lactic acid bacteria, which reliably protect against microbes.
If the cause of the inflammation is not clear to you, call your doctor. It is easier for the pediatrician to understand what is happening with the child. He will give the necessary recommendations on how to treat the throat. Sometimes, for example, with angina, drug treatment is a priority.
If the cause of the inflammation is not clear to you, call your doctor. It is easier for the pediatrician to understand what is happening with the child. He will give the necessary recommendations on how to treat. Sometimes, for example, with angina, drug treatment is a priority
Reflexology for sore throat relief
A sore throat hurts and causes a lot of anxiety for babies. To relieve the condition, perform acupressure. The baby’s body is very sensitive to any stimuli, so be very gentle and use only light pressure. So, the first point is the fossa between the collarbones. Another reflexogenic zone is located in the lower third of the upper thumb pad. Also find the indentation between the foot and the lower leg. Massage the points found.
Drinking plenty of fluids for inflammation
During illness, it is very important to prevent dehydration, accumulation of toxins and drying out of the mucous membrane of the throat and nose, so offer your baby plain warm water. It is also important to maintain normal humidity in the room. Dry air will irritate the throat even more. If the illness is accompanied by a fever, do not force the child to drink milk, it can cause vomiting. Do not be afraid to leave the baby without food for a couple of hours longer, nature is wise: if he refuses to eat during the period of illness, do not impose.
Treatment of the red throat with antimicrobial agents
Wrap the index finger with a sterile bandage, dip it in a medicinal solution (tonsilgon, iodinol, lugol, vinylin, a decoction of chamomile or oak bark). Lubricate the back of the throat and the root of the tongue. 7-8 month old babies can already be given tonsilgon by mouth, diluted with water.
With a strong cough, it is important to control the discharge of sputum and prevent the accumulation of mucus in the nose, it makes breathing very difficult. If necessary, rinse the spout with a pear, pouring in a small amount of salted drinking water and sucking it back along with the mucus.
You will read about how to remove medical earrings from earrings in the next article.
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