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Burning sensation, painful urination, itching of the intimate area or vaginal discharge can turn life into a nightmare. The new method of treating recurrent urinary tract infections involves not only combating the microbes that cause them, but also supporting the body’s normal microflora, preventing their multiplication.

Almost every woman has experienced an infection of the genitourinary system at least once in her life. Many women often struggle with these ailments because – although treated – they like to come back.

Bad location

Genitourinary tract infections are a common problem in women mainly because of the short distance between the vagina and the anus. Bacteria that multiply in the intestines are able to move from there to the intimate areas despite the increased hygiene. And although we manage to get rid of bacteria and fungi thanks to medications and ointments, because of the reservoir of bad microbes in the intestines, infections tend to recur.

Urinary tract infection is a consequence of the accidental transfer of these microorganisms to the urethra, e.g. during sexual intercourse or as a result of poor hygiene habits. After colonization of the urethra, the bacteria migrate to the bladder.

In turn, inflammation of the vagina is the result of a disturbance of its microflora, i.e. a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria, and an increase in pathogenic bacteria.

In order to reduce the risk of renewal of infection during intercourse, you can use the Defense antibacterial protective lubricant, i.e. a water-based moisturizing gel that reduces the risk of infection.

Cleaning microbes

Bacteria naturally residing in the large intestine and around the anus, especially Eschericha coli, are most often responsible for bladder infections. They cause painful urination, a feeling of constant pressure on the bladder and sometimes haematuria. Cystitis-like symptoms may also occur with infection with other sexually transmitted pathogens such as Chlamydia trachomatis and gonorrhea.

Vaginal bacterial infections are accompanied by whitish vaginal discharge with a strong fishy smell, which increases after intercourse and during menstruation. In the case of fungal infections, there is a cheesy, odorless discharge that looks like “curdled milk”, as well as itching and burning. Green-yellow, foamy, unpleasant-smelling discharge, combined with urge to urinate, vaginal staining may be a symptom of trichomoniasis.

Do you want to test for microorganisms attacking the genitourinary system? You can order mail-order tests for Ureaplasma infections or opt for a mail-order urogenital package including, among others, chlamydia, bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma or gonorrhea.

To find out if you have problems with the urinary system, buy Urinary tract infection home test for children and adults on Medonet Market.

Beneficial sticks

A healthy vaginal ecosystem requires maintenance of an acidic reaction and a balance between the amount of good and bad bacteria. The most important bacteria responsible for maintaining the correct pH of intimate areas are lactobacilli. Their appropriate amount ensures the acidic reaction of the vagina, which prevents the multiplication of dangerous microorganisms. Many species of lactic acid bacteria also colonize the digestive tract, including the intestines, where they inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Unfortunately, in both the digestive tract and the vagina, there is often an imbalance between the amount of “good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria. It can be disturbed by antibiotic therapy, hormonal therapy, antifungal therapy, diseases, e.g. diabetes, anemia, stage of the menstrual cycle and many others.

  1. Prophylactically and supportively during treatment, it is worth using cranberry supplements. We recommend, for example, Cranberry Viridian extract available on Medonet Market at a favorable price.

Treatment with bacteria

Urogenital system infections are treated with antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents and antifungal agents. However, both vaginitis and bladder inflammation can be recurrent. Then, targeted probiotics containing lactic acid bacteria are also used, eg Lactobacillus rhamnosus PL1, Lactobacillus plantarum PM1. They are also recommended for women using contraceptive pills, undergoing hormonal disorders, e.g. during pregnancy or menopause, as well as for patients before and after surgery in the genitourinary system.

A comprehensive approach

In such a situation, it can be assumed that the cause of urogenital system inflammations is an imbalance in the microbiological balance of the intestine. A favorable change in the intestinal flora will then be an essential part of the treatment. Eliminating pathogenic microorganisms and restoring the balance will prevent the spread of pathogens to the urethra and vagina. For this purpose, you should start taking targeted probiotics, eg ProctoLact, supporting the proper intestinal flora. The species of bacteria they contain that inhabit the intestines have a natural ability to travel along the digestive tract to the rectum, from where they migrate to the urethra and vaginal opening in women. Thanks to the ability to adhere to the cells of the urinary epithelium, vagina and anus, they create a natural protective barrier and prevent the multiplication of pathogens – bacteria and fungi.

In order to avoid intimate infections and urinary tract infections, it is worth using appropriate intimate care and hygiene preparations every day. We recommend, for example, Dermoxen intimate gel.

Do you want to take care of your body and support the work of the urinary system? Take advantage of Nettle, Horsetail and Rosehip Cleansing Drops that you can buy at Medonet Market. Also try the tea made from Birch Leaves. It has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, so it works in the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections.

We also recommend Healthy Bladder – a Panaseus dietary supplement that bases its action on natural plant extracts that have a beneficial effect on the urinary system. The Uroner dietary supplement with cranberry and parsley or Uroner D-mannose capsules will also help the body in the fight against recurring urinary tract infections.

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