How to treat Omikron at home? [INFOGRAPHICS]
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A comprehensive and dedicated drug that would allow for COVID-19 treatment at home has not yet been developed. Symptomatic medications, i.e. medications adapted to the specific ailments that occur in a given patient, are helpful in dealing with the disease. What to heal? We have put together a handful of useful tips on our infographic.

COVID-19, especially its current Omikron mutation, is mild to moderate in many people. This means that getting sick can take place at home, with the support of certain medications. As specialists explain – the disease is treated symptomatically, i.e. the treatment is adjusted to specific ailments.

However, it is important to do not underestimate the disease and consult even a mild version of it with a doctorand then – be treated in accordance with its recommendations. In addition, you need to monitor your health carefully and at all times and not ignore any disturbing symptoms. Doctors warn – the condition of a person suffering from COVID-19 may change very rapidly.

– Any suspicion of COVID-19 should result in referring the patient for a test (antigen or PCR), and when the result is positive – determining the place of treatment (home / hospital / isolation room) – convinces dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, national consultant in the field of family medicine. You can read more about the recommendations here: What should COVID-19 treatment at home look like? The most important recommendations of the expert

The COVID-19 Real-Time PCR test can be performed at selected drive thru points of the Diagnostics network.

Read also:

  1. What to have in the home first aid kit in the event of an Omicron? The doctor lists
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