To paraphrase the classic, “All fat people are unhappy in their own way.” And we are tired of reading articles about how to lose weight. proposes to go the other way: for a start – to learn to avoid what contributes to obesity.
Sports and exercise are two different things. If you periodically warm up after sleep or play with Wii in front of the TV, nothing will happen if you give up this practice for at least a month. But, according to nutritionists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA), more serious and irregular physical activity with long breaks leads to a faster accumulation of extra pounds than if a person does not play sports at all.
In addition, it is more difficult to get rid of such excess weight in the future. Effective weight loss requires staying physically active all year round for many years and avoiding seasonal “breaks” such as during holidays, weekends or winter.
All the pluses of physical activity will be replaced by fat minuses if you are lazy or do not have time to exercise, exercise or aerobics consistently and often enough.
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Sugar is a high-calorie thing, so why not replace it with something else that is also sweet? Many health food manufacturers replace it with fructose. And this, as found out professor at the Southwestern Medical Center at the University of Texas Elizabeth Parks, is much more conducive to weight gain.
Fructose, or fruit sugar, is one of the main sources of carbohydrates. For its assimilation, the hormone insulin is not required, therefore it is safe for people with diabetes mellitus. For the figure, however, such a “dietary” alternative to sugar is a form of diversion. All simple sugars – glucose, sucrose, and fructose – can be converted to triglycerides, the building blocks of fat. But fructose, which until recently was considered the safest from a nutritional point of view, is converted primarily into fat. At the same time, the body, once starting this process, will only increase momentum, which is fraught with a malfunction in metabolism and rapid weight gain.
More detailed studies at the biochemical level allowed Elizabeth Parks to explain the similar effect of fructose. In the human body, lipids are formed mainly in the liver, which plays the role of a regulator that directs sugar to various needs of the body. When glucose is supplied, the liver decides where to send it: for a supply in the form of glycogen – fuel for muscle work, for the momentary energy needs of the body or in a fat depot for long-term storage. And while the liver is dealing with the incoming glucose, which is simpler in its chemical nature, easily assimilated fructose “by default” is sent to replenish the strategic reserve – adipose tissue.
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It’s especially bad for kids, so think twice when buying your XNUMX-year-old princess two huge yogurt cakes instead of one chocolate fries.
Eating low-calorie foods and drinks in children contributes to overeating and obesity, according to Canadian researchers.
Although scientists at the University of Alberta have conducted experiments in mice, this is one of those cases where the results can be transferred to humans. It turned out that young mice fed on low-calorie substitutes often overeat. Adults have the ability to regulate the amount of calories consumed, focusing on their own taste sensations. In children, this ability is underdeveloped, and they begin to eat more, trying to compensate for the low calorie content of food, scientists believe.
“Our findings suggest that it is healthier for children to eat healthy, well-balanced foods with sufficient calories, rather than low-calorie snacks and meals,” said study leader David Pierce.
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Back in the 60s of the last century, Russian doctors established that the residence time of any food in the stomach depends on its temperature. If food is warm, it takes two to three hours to digest. Cold food leaves the stomach several times faster, without having time to really digest.
Undigested proteins, getting into the small intestine, where food is absorbed, cannot be absorbed anywhere. Moreover, in the place where bacteria should work, which are responsible for splitting only carbohydrates, bacteria that “live” on meat and other animal proteins begin to multiply. As a result, dysbiosis develops and metabolism is disrupted.
Of course, nothing will happen from a serving of ice cream or salad. But if lunch every day consists only of them, and a warm sandwich is washed down with cold water, you will notice that in an hour or two after lunch you want to eat again, because valuable nutritious proteins have not reached the body.
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It’s not just “calories not burned” – it turns out that the problem reaches the level of biochemistry. When analyzing the mechanisms of obesity, heart disease and diabetes, physiologists at the University of Missouri (Columbia) found that when sitting, the circulation of the lipase-breaking enzyme in the bloodstream stops. Standing, on the other hand, involves muscles that distribute lipase, which triggers the body to process fat and cholesterol, regardless of the time spent exercising. They also found that glucose consumption to maintain an upright posture helped prevent diabetes.
According to the head of the study, Professor Marc Hamilton (Marc Hamilton), there is ample evidence that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity 2-3 times. One of the reasons for this is that in the standing position the lipase enzyme allows the absorption of fat by the muscles, while in the sitting position this enzyme is inactivated. In this case, fat molecules circulate in the bloodstream, which increases the likelihood of their storage in the form of subcutaneous adipose tissue or the formation of plaques on the walls of arteries.
Standing can also help you lose weight. burns about 60 kilocalories on average per hour. In addition, it affects the level of high density lipoprotein, or “good” cholesterol – in a sitting position, the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood is on average 22% lower than in a standing position.
Based on the results obtained, the authors recommend that everyone spend the maximum possible amount of time standing. If you have a sedentary work, take frequent breaks and at least walk around the table. You can also stand while talking on the phone or even watching TV.
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