How to treat moraxella catarrhalis?

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How are Moraxella catarrhalis infections treated? How long can treatment for such an infection take? Is antibiotic administration sufficient? Is Moraxella catarrhali infection a cause for concern? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

How is Moraxella catarrhali infection treated?

Hello, my little boy is now five years old and has had recurring upper respiratory problems for some time. There were sinusitis, sometimes colds, even bronchitis, and sometimes pneumonia. Recently the problem came back and my son had the same symptoms as the last time he had pneumonia, but this time we saw another pediatrician and it turned out that my son was diagnosed with moraxella catarrhalis. The doctor said it wasn’t anything very dangerous and recommended it to us antibiotic therapy for moraxella catarrhalis.

Was he right? How to treat moraxella catarrhalis? However, a week has passed and no improvement has been seen. The consultation is only a few days away and I have no idea if I should be worried anymore. I have a feeling that the doctor ignored the problem, and I read that bakteria moraxella catarrhalis causes serious diseases and complications in children. I’m worried about that treatment of moraxella catarrhalis will be more complicated than the doctor has promised us. I am also very worried about my son’s health, because I am afraid the effects of moraxella catarrhalisthat would be dangerous to his health. I don’t know if I’m right or panic anymore, so I’m asking for help.

The doctor explains the treatment of Moraxella catarrhalis

Moraxella catarrhalis, once called Neiserria catarrhalis or Micrococcus cattarhalis, is a Gram negative bacterium that most commonly causes otitis media in children and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adults. The bacteria can live in people’s respiratory tract without any symptoms. Under favorable conditions, it gains the ability to cause disease. Usually it is related to a decrease in immunity. Often the children are there carriers of the bacteria Moraxella catarrhalis and may unknowingly pass the pathogen to other children and adults. The transmission of bacteria is favored by human clusters such as kindergartens and schools. Bakteria Moraxella catarrhalis it can be responsible for many diseases. Moraxella catarhhalis causes sinusitis in children. It can also be responsible for laryngitis, bronchitis or pneumonia.

Moraxella catarrhalis bacteria are much less likely to cause sepsis, meningitis, endocarditis, septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, urethritis, or conjunctivitis. Moraxella catarrhalis can be resistant to some antibiotics. This means that they are insensitive to the drug in question. Bacteria through evolution have developed many defense mechanisms that allow them to survive in the human body. Moraxella catarrhalis bacteria produce a biofilm that allows them to effectively colonize, inter alia, on biological and non-biological surfaces, e.g. catheters, drains or implants.

For the correct choice of treatment, an antibiogram is often performed. The result of the antibiogram allows for the application of appropriate and effective therapy and, consequently, leads to a cure. If your child’s health deteriorates, see your pediatrician. After reviewing the full clinical picture, the doctor will decide on the need for further diagnosis or change of treatment.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

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