How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy

The nature of hemorrhoids

Few women manage to avoid hemorrhoids. According to statistics, from 50 to 80% of expectant and young mothers face it (Mun N. V., Myrzabekova A. Zh., Moon G. N. Features of the clinical course of acute hemorrhoids in pregnant women. Problems of Coloproctology, 2002; 18: 158– 60). This is due to the physiology of pregnancy and the process of childbirth. The uterus of a pregnant woman increases many times in size, hindering the outflow of blood: this is how its stagnation forms in the choroid plexus. And the less active lifestyle the expectant mother leads, the more they are expressed. Another reason for the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is frequent constipation, caused by inevitable hormonal changes and impaired intestinal motility.

But the risk of developing hemorrhoids is greatest immediately after childbirth. This occurs both due to a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure during attempts, and due to the peculiarities of the child’s passage through the birth canal, which often turns out to be traumatic for the choroid plexus.


The likely symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

– constant bloating, frequent constipation;

– pain, itching and foreign body sensation in the anus;

– traces of blood on toilet paper.

If you notice one of them, you need to consult your doctor and start treatment.

Prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids

Correct lifestyle during pregnancy and, if necessary, correctly selected medicines, will help to avoid the development of hemorrhoids and get rid of the disease that has already appeared.

1. Proper nutrition. Focus on fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products. But you should not get carried away with meat, flour products and strong tea and coffee.

2. Movement. Swim and walk in the fresh air as much as possible.

3. Hygiene. If possible, wash with cool water after each bowel movement. Use damp toilet paper or intimate hygiene wipes.

4. Drug therapy. Exist soft remedies, helping to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids, if the disease could not be avoided, such as drugs in the “Relief” series, which are produced in the form of suppositories and ointments. For internal hemorrhoids, suppositories are usually prescribed, and ointment is more suitable for treating external hemorrhoids. All preparations from this line are created on the basis of a natural substance – shark liver oil. It contains biologically active substances, zinc, iron, copper, vitamins A, E, D, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids and helps to restore the affected area, heal wounds, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Having noticed the first signs of hemorrhoids, together with your doctor determine which remedy is right for you. 

For bleeding, swelling and itching, suppositories and ointment are often used “Relief”… Phenielphrine, which is part of them, has a vasoconstrictor effect and helps to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms. In case of acute aching pain, it is better to use Relief Advance candles. Containing the active anesthetic component benzocaine for local anesthesia, they take effect within minutes after application. The pain goes away and you can enjoy pregnancy and motherhood again without this “side effect”.


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Reg. ud. PN013560 / 02 dated 06.11.2007

Reg. ud. PN014500 / 01 dated 21.04.2010

Reg. ud. PN013560 / 01 dated 11.12.2008

Reg. ud. LS-001101 dated 31.05.2010

1 Comment

  1. آ ٹھواں مہینہ شروع ھےمجھے بھی بواسیر آدی مسئلہ ہے میرے حمل کا تقریبا

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