How to Treat Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a shameful civilization disease. It is estimated that even every second Pole may periodically suffer from it after the age of 50. Fortunately, doctors now have a number of effective methods of treating this unpleasant ailment.

As in any disease, the earlier we recognize its first symptoms and start treatment, the more effective the therapy will be. That is why it is worth knowing the first symptoms of haemorrhoids – especially if we are at risk.

What should be worrying?

One of the first symptoms of the disease is itching, pain or burning around the anus, especially when you are pressing on your stools. Usually, however, patients are only concerned about blood in the stool or on the toilet paper. When the hemorrhoids are small they do not fall out of the anus. As the disease progresses, they increase in size and such unpleasant incidents can occur. Initially, the hemorrhoids can be placed in the middle with the help of a finger, but with a far-reaching disease, it is no longer possible.

Who should look for these symptoms in myself? Enlarged hemorrhoids are a civilization disease favored by an inappropriate lifestyle. It consists of: sitting for many hours in one position and lack of physical activity, inadequate diet leading to constipation, frequent use of the toilet.

When the first symptoms appear

Each rectal bleeding requires consultation with a doctor, so as soon as the first symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, make an appointment immediately. In the case of minor haemorrhoids, the treatment of first choice is the use of pharmacological agents in the form of ointments or suppositories. They work in two ways: not only do they heal inflammation, but because they are lubricated, they also create a physical barrier between varicose veins and stools. Your doctor may also prescribe oral measures to keep your blood vessels sealed.

When the doctor decides that the varicose vein needs to be removed, an outpatient procedure is usually performed. One of the simplest and, at the same time, the most effective methods of eliminating a pathologically changed hemorrhage is tying it up with a rubber band. When the doctor does this at the correct height, the ligation does not cause additional pain. Varicose veins, deprived of fresh blood supply, die and fall off after a few days.

Similar results are also obtained by applying sclerotherapy, which is a method used, inter alia, in the removal of “ordinary” varicose veins. In this case, the blood supply is reduced by closing the vessel thanks to the use of chemicals.

The altered tissue can also be cauterized, i.e. closed in this case due to the application of extreme temperature. One of the methods of cauterization is cryotherapy.

Surgical assistance

When these methods fail or the patient returns to treatment too late and the disease is in an advanced stage, surgical treatment is applied. Mostly people with varicose veins of the third degree are eligible. However, this method is associated with significant pain after surgery and the need for a long convalescence (up to four weeks).

Another advanced treatment method is transrectal occlusion of the vessels using the Doppler effect.

Better to prevent than to cure

Unfortunately, hemorrhoids have a tendency to recur. Therefore, if in the past you have struggled with overgrown sagittal cusps, it is worth implementing prophylaxis so that the problem does not reoccur.

Changes should begin with eating habits. It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids as dehydration promotes the formation of hemorrhoids. Insufficient fluid intake also makes the stool more compact, making it difficult to pass and constipation.

The diet should be enriched with large amounts of fiber to facilitate excretion. We find it in products made of wholemeal flour, such as bread or wholemeal pasta. Its valuable sources are also fruits and vegetables.

You should also take care of the right amount of exercise. Although the gym will not hurt us, a 15-minute walk is enough for the prevention of hemorrhoids. This is just the right length to aid in the peristaltic movement of the intestines. If you work several hours at your desk, remember to take regular breaks. It is enough if you get up for 5 minutes once an hour and take a short walk, for example to the kitchen.

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