how to treat hair loss: advice from a trichologist

how to treat hair loss: advice from a trichologist

Dreaming of thick hair? Trichologist Elena Boeva ​​told how to restore hair volume and beauty.

Every woman dreams of thick, shiny and healthy hair. But if suddenly the hair begins to fall out, then this is akin to a tragedy. And then balms, shampoos, rinses, serums are used – which is just not on store shelves! But is it worth trusting cosmetics for hair problems, let’s figure it out.

“If your hair falls out, don’t be alarmed. This is a natural process. Just remember: 100 lost hair per day is the norm, – soothes trichologist Elena Boeva. – And before you panic, do a light test: Pull on a small tuft of hair slightly. If you count up to 10 hairs in the palm of your hand, nothing bad happens to you. But if there are much more of them, then there is a threat of hair loss – sound the alarm. But most importantly, forget about all the cosmetics that are in supermarkets and pharmacies, do not scour the Internet in search of miraculous folk remedies, but run straight to a trichologist – a hair specialist. He will tell you everything about hair problems. ” By the way, even the great Hippocrates was engaged in hair treatment. He advised his patients to use pigeon droppings as a remedy for baldness. Doctors are now using other methods.

The main and very common cause is stress. Sometimes you need to relax, meditate, put your nervous system in order, and the hair loss stops by itself. The reasons that deprive hair also include chronic diseases and changes in the thyroid gland, and improper nutrition, or rather, unhealthy diets, and heredity, etc. Therefore, it is very important to get to the bottom of this very reason.

What hair problems do women have?

The main one is aesthetic. It is associated with an aggressive effect on hair: frequent dyeing, various washes, hot irons and hair dryers. All this leads to dryness, brittleness and hair loss.

Diffuse (even over the entire head) hair loss. It is temporary, therefore it is a consequence of either stress, or a previous illness, or iron deficiency. As a rule, as soon as the cause is eliminated, the hair stops falling out.

If a woman’s crown glows and the scalp shines through her hair, then there is male pattern baldness. The patient is carefully examined and treatment is prescribed: from hormone therapy to hair transplant in severe cases.

Where does the examination begin?

A trichologist conducts computer diagnostics of the condition of the scalp and hair (trichoscopy) using an image magnification of 150 times. And the doctor perfectly sees whether the hair grows in bundles, which is correct, whether the follicles are damaged or not, studies the hair structure and fixes all the necessary indications.

Further, the patient is offered to take a blood test, since some diseases are directly related to alopecia, or baldness. The minimum of these analyzes is three.

1. If there are problems with the thyroid gland, a blood test for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is prescribed.

2. Checking the level of male hormones such as testosterone, which leads to hair loss.

3. And it is imperative to donate blood for hemoglobin, at the level of iron. No iron – blood hemoglobin suffers, and hair falls out.

What folk remedies will help with hair loss

Remember: none! Neither shampoos, nor masks, nor balms, nor rinses will help with hair loss, they only act on the surface, but must be treated from the inside. Hair is the same flower. And if we only wipe the leaves, spray and do nothing with the soil, the flower will soon die. If, for example, the body lacks iron, then at least every day do hair masks, use expensive shampoos and conditioners, and you will still lose hair.

Folk remedies (onions, pepper tincture, etc.) sometimes also aggravate the problem, adding to it a burn, peeling of the skin, etc.

Laser combs will not cure, but rather help relieve stress and calm down with their pleasant buzz.

Various dietary supplements will not solve the problem either.

What treatment is prescribed for hair loss

If there is such a problem, then self-medication is not worth it, do not waste time and money. Only a trichologist will correctly select the treatment. Treatment will depend on the severity of the disease, it is very individual and may include various methods:


1. Medication – drugs are prescribed orally (in the form of tablets) and for local external use, as well as a complex of multivitamins (you should not use vitamins on your own, since not only a lack of vitamins, but also their excess, in particular vitamin A, can lead to alopecia ). 2. Mesotherapy – a procedure based on injections under the skin of a kind of cocktail of vitamins and nutrients that improve blood flow. Hair follicles receive nutrition from the capillaries, therefore, in order to strengthen and nourish them, such drugs are prescribed to improve blood circulation. 3. If the cause of baldness is hormonal imbalance, the doctor selects hormonal therapy. 4. If the fungus causes hair loss, antifungal drugs in the form of tablets, and shampoos, and creams.


1. Massage. If the prolapse is caused by stress, massage will help, of course, to relax the spasmodic areas and improve blood circulation. 2. Plasma therapy. This is an injection of blood plasma saturated with platelets, which contain a specific protein for cell growth and regeneration.

Surgical, or transplant

This procedure is the transplantation of an area with live bulbs to the affected areas that are devoid of hair.

What to do to prevent hair loss

Take good care of your hair!

If you wash your hair, it is better to blot wet hair with a towel, rather than twisting it.

A tightly pulled tail damages the hair follicles (hair follicles). Avoid such hairstyles, especially if you have hair problems.

When combing your hair, choose a comb made from natural materials.

Use hair dryers as little as possible and blow dry your hair with cool air, not hot air.

Don’t go on diets.

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