How to treat gum disease at home
Десятка лучших препаратов при воспалении десен, которые можно применять в домашних условиях. Вместе со стоматологами мы составили список средств и обсудили, как быстро снять воспаление

Inflammation of the gums periodically or constantly worries more than 90% of people of all ages1. Patients complain of redness and swelling of the mucosa, pain when chewing solid foods, bleeding when brushing teeth, reaction to hot and cold. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to identify and eliminate the cause of the inflammatory process.

Ответ на вопрос «чем лечить воспаление десен» лучше искать вместе со стоматологом-пародонтологом. Специалист поставит диагноз, окажет помощь (например, удалит зубной камень) и порекомендует, чем лечить воспаление десен в домашних условиях.

Врач может назначить медикаменты для приема внутрь и средства местного действия, о которых мы поговорим далее.

10 best drugs for gum inflammation according to KP

Препараты местного действия предназначены для полоскания, орошения и аппликаций. Фармацевтические компании выпускают широкий спектр средств с противовоспалительным, антисептическим и обезболивающим эффектом. Из этого перечня мы выбрали 10 наиболее популярных гелей, спреев и растворов, которые хорошо зарекомендовали себя среди врачей и пациентов. Настоятельно рекомендуем проконсультироваться с врачом, прежде чем лечить воспаление десен в домашних условиях.

1. Gel “Cholisal”

Содержит холина салицилат и циталкония хлорид – компоненты с антимикробным и противовоспалительным эффектом. Помогает при гингивите, стоматите, грибковых заболеваниях полости рта. Начинает действовать спустя несколько минут после применения. Не содержит сахара и подходит практически всем за исключением беременных и кормящих женщин и детей до года.

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2. Gel “Metrogyl-Denta”

The active ingredients are the antibacterial agent metronidazole and the antiseptic chlorhexidine. The drug effectively copes with inflammation and pain, reduces the sensitivity of the affected areas of the gums. It is used for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the periodontium and oral mucosa. Suitable for adults and children over 6 years old.

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3. Balm “Asepta”

Благодаря хлоргексидину и метронидазолу подавляет патогенную микрофлору, уменьшает воспаление и отек. Обладает лечебными и регенерирующими свойствами, поэтому может использоваться после операций на деснах. В составе есть пектин и целлюлоза, которые придают препарату вязкую текстуру и обеспечивают хорошую адгезию к слизистой.

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4. Дентальная адгезивная паста «Солкосерил»

The drug contains a wide range of low molecular weight compounds: amino acids, nucleosides, nucleotides, glycolipids. Stimulates tissue regeneration at the cellular level. The active ingredient Polidocanol 600 provides a fast and long-lasting analgesic effect. “Solcoseryl” is prescribed for such diseases and conditions as gingivitis, stomatitis, alveolitis, as well as after surgical interventions, installation of implants and dentures.

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5. Gel “Dentamet”

Dentamet gel contains metronidazole and chlorhexidine. It has an antimicrobial, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. The gel is recommended for gingivitis, periodontitis and in the treatment of other acute and chronic diseases of the oral cavity. The remedy is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age and pregnant women in the first trimester.

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6. “Kamistad” gel

Gel “Kamistad” is prescribed for gingivitis, periodontitis, mechanical injuries of the mucosa and irritation after wearing braces.

Lidocaine in the composition provides an anesthetic effect, and pharmacy chamomile extract reduces the intensity of inflammation, inhibits the development of fungi and bacteria.

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7. «Стоматофит Эксперт» спрей

Основа препарата – экстракты нескольких лекарственных растений: дуба, арники, ромашки, шалфея, тимьяна, аира. Спрей предназначен для лечения воспалительных заболеваний полости рта, в том числе гингивита, стоматита, пародонтита. Оказывает антисептическое и вяжущее действие, уменьшает кровоточивость десен. Препарат содержит 35–42% этанола, поэтому может снизить внимание и скорость реакции. Не рекомендуется детям до 12-ти лет, женщинам во время беременности и лактации.

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8. Malavit solution

Это раствор с многокомпонентным составом на основе более 100 лекарственных растений.

“Malavit” solution is used for rinsing the mouth, it has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, anesthetizes and heals the mucous membrane. The product does not contain alcohol, suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women.

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9. «Ротокан» раствор

Alcohol solution with extracts of yarrow herb, calendula flowers and chamomile. Biologically active substances in Rotokan have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, accelerate tissue regeneration. The solution is used in the complex treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

“Rotokan” is not suitable for children under 12 years of age, people with diseases of the liver, stomach and biliary tract, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During treatment with “Rotokan” you can not drive vehicles and engage in activities that require a high speed of psychomotor reactions.

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10. PresiDent PROFI

Solution based on chlorhexidine and extracts of medicinal plants: sage, chamomile, echinacea. PresiDent PROFI is intended for mouthwash and can be used as an irrigator liquid.

The product does not contain alcohol. It has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

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Отзывы врачей о препаратах от воспаления десен

We discussed how to treat inflammation of the gums with our experts: doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, head doctor of the dental clinic Albert Abdullaev and dental surgeon, periodontist Valeria Shoynzhurova.

When inflammation of the gums are often prescribed drugs with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. However, the best remedies will be useless if the cause of the inflammatory process is not eliminated. Moreover, sometimes medications are harmful because they relieve symptoms and give a false sense of recovery. As a result, the disease takes a chronic form and often leads to complications. Therefore, we recommend that patients undergo a professional examination, rather than treating gum disease at home.

Popular questions and answers

Эксперты ответили на популярные вопросы, которые интересуют пациентов с воспалением десен. Советы специалистов помогут вовремя обнаружить проблему, избежать осложнений и предупредить развитие воспалительного процесса в будущем

What causes gum disease?

Inflammation of the gums can be superficial and deep, local and generalized, acute and chronic. The inflammatory process is a constant companion of diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. With gingivitis, the marginal part of the mucous membrane becomes inflamed without violating the integrity of the periodontal attachment. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, in which bone tissue atrophies and teeth become mobile.

The most common cause of gum disease is poor oral hygiene. Problems arise in people who brush their teeth incorrectly, do not use dental floss and an irrigator. As a result, food debris accumulates in the interdental spaces, which serve as a breeding ground for microorganisms. Over time, plaque turns into tartar and injures the soft tissues of the gums, causing inflammation.

The cause of the inflammatory process may be poor-quality filling or prosthetics, when the edges of the filling and crown damage the mucosa. Sometimes inflammation develops due to malocclusion. The soft tissues of the gums can become inflamed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, autoimmune pathologies, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders. In this case, along with the dentist, the treatment is prescribed by a narrow-profile specialist: a gastroenterologist, an allergist, an endocrinologist.

What are the complications of gum disease?

The most serious complications are periodontitis with the formation of local or generalized bone pockets, purulent-inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region and loss of teeth. Loss or extraction of teeth can cause deformation of the dentition and pathologies of the temporomandibular joint.

Как быстро снять воспаление десен?

This task should be solved by a specialist – a periodontist. After examination, he will establish the cause of the inflammation and prescribe treatment. Sometimes professional cleaning in the clinic and regular hygiene procedures at home are enough. In more complex cases, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents, antibiotics, immunomodulators are prescribed.

To stop the inflammatory process, physiotherapy is often used:

● electrophoresis;

● ozone therapy;

● darsonvalization;

● laser therapy.

With periodontitis, surgical intervention may be required: curettage of periodontal pockets. If necessary, therapeutic splinting of mobile teeth, gum augmentation, bone grafting are performed. Proper oral care and regular visits to the dentist will help to avoid such serious consequences.


  1. Clinical guidelines (treatment protocols) for the diagnosis of gingivitis.
  2. “Peculiarities of treatment of periodontitis depending on clinical manifestations”. Khairova E.I., ass. Lebedeva S.N. and ass. Kharitonova T.L. Scientific adviser: Assoc. Suetenkov D.E.
  3. Клинические рекомендации (протоколы лечения) при диагнозе «пародонтит».
  4. Видаль. Справочник лекарственных препаратов 2021 год.

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