How to treat celiac disease?

How to treat celiac disease?

Important. If you think you have celiac disease, you should consult a doctor before starting a gluten-free diet. Many diseases have symptoms that can be confused with those of gluten sensitivity. And adopting this diet without medical advice can make the diagnosis more difficult.

There is no definitive cure for celiac disease. The only possible treatment is the Gluten Free Lifetime Diet. Adopting a gluten-free diet for life can often completely eliminate symptoms, treat deficiencies and prevent possible complications.

In the vast majority of cases, the tissues of the intestinal wall return to normal by following a gluten-free diet. Skin symptoms (dermatitis herpetiformis) also disappear when diet is started. This healing Usually works in a few weeks, but can take 2 to 3 years. It is exceptional that the symptoms persist despite several months of a gluten-free diet.

How to treat celiac disease? : understand everything in 2 min

How to follow a gluten-free diet?

The gluten-free diet should eliminate from the diet all cereals containing gluten, by-products of these cereals and products made from these by-products. To follow a gluten-free diet, several foods commonly eaten must be banned. But gluten isn’t just found in most cereals and their flours. It also hides in a host of prepared foods. Since a tiny amount of gluten can damage the gut and cause symptoms to reappear, great vigilance is required.

Here are some basic elements of a gluten free diet. This information does not replace the advice of a physician and nutritionist. These health professionals will also be able to assess the additional nutritional needs, if any, in vitamins and minerals. Foundations and associations dedicated to gluten intolerance (celiac disease) are other very valuable sources of information (see Sites of interest). Also consult our Special Diet for Gluten Intolerance.

The cost of gluten-free products is high. In Canada, people with gluten intolerance can get a medical expense tax credit8.

What foods should you avoid while on a glutinous diet?

  • Grain products that contain gluten : wheat, bulgur (cracked durum wheat), barley, rye, spelled (a variety of wheat), kamut (a variety of wheat) and triticale (a hybrid of rye and wheat) . Most baked goods, pastries, pasta in all their forms, cookies, breakfast cereals, crackers contain gluten
  • Several prepared foods : surprisingly, gluten can be found in fruit yogurts, ice cream, hot chocolate mixes, stock cubes, cheese sauces, low fat cottage cheeses, sour cream, canned meats, sausages, tomato sauces, soups, peanut butter, etc. In these foods, the gluten in the grains serves as a binder. It is hidden under several names in the ingredient lists. To watch out for: malt, starch (from wheat, barley, rye, etc.), hydrolyzed vegetable proteins and textured vegetable proteins. Note that seitan is a food mainly made from wheat gluten.
  • Beers (except those labeled gluten-free).
  • Certain medicines and vitamins, the coating of which may contain gluten (starch). Choose hypoallergenic, wheat-free and yeast-free vitamins.


– Alcoholic beverages obtained from malt (or derived from wheat, barley or rye) such as gin, vodka, whiskey and scotch are potentially harmful. Although distillation seems to remove most of the gluten, doctors recommend avoiding these drinks as a precaution.

– Beware of certain lipsticks, which may contain traces of gluten.

Some prepared foods are labeled gluten free, with a logo representing a crossed out ear of wheat. According to the standards of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), these foods should not contain more than 200 parts per million (ppm) of gluten protein fractions7. It is mostly found in natural products grocery stores, but also in supermarkets. 

Beware of cross contamination

In the kitchen, special care must be taken so as not to contaminate gluten-free foods. Contamination can occur when gluten-free products are prepared in unwashed dishes that have come into contact with foods containing gluten. Also pay attention to the exchange of utensils with people who do not follow the gluten-free diet. The toaster, for example, should be for the exclusive use of the person on a gluten-free diet.

Unfortunately, cereals that do not contain gluten can be contaminated during the production, processing or packaging process. So for more safety, it is advisable to give preference to products labeled gluten-free.

The particular case of oats

The regular oat cereal does not contain gluten. On the other hand, there is a high risk of cross-contamination since oats are very often grown, transported or ground in the same environments as cereals or food products containing gluten.

The Quebec Celiac Disease Foundation (FQMC) suggests that uncontaminated / gluten-free oats be introduced only after anti-transglutaminase antibodies have normalized. This normalization takes between 6 months to 2 years after starting a strict gluten-free diet.

Gluten-free products: not all good for your health

It is important, when embarking on a gluten-free diet, to adequately replace foods that have been excluded from our diet. The impact of these restrictions on the intake of protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can be negative. We must see how to replace the essential nutrients contained in the gluten foods traditionally consumed. For example, bread and cereals are often fortified with iron and vitamin B (especially B9 / folic acid) while gluten-free breads and cereals are not. Gluten-free products are often low in fiber and protein and high in sugars and additives. Be careful to choose your replacement products.

Gluten-free diet: favor fresh foods

The diet of a person with gluten sensitivity includes a lot of fresh foods, as little processed as possible.

  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Meats, fish and poultry, not breaded or marinated.
  • Legumes and tofu.
  • Certain cereals: rice, millet and quinoa.
  • Potato
  • Certain flours: rice, corn, potatoes, chickpeas, soy.
  • Most dairy products can be consumed, but those who tolerate them poorly will benefit from eliminating them from their diet for a few months.

Support groups

To break the isolation, obtain support and dietary advice, patient associations are of great help. The Support Groups section brings together a few.


In rare cases (less than 5%), the gluten-free diet is insufficient to control symptoms. We are talking about refractory celiac disease. The doctor can then suggest medication to prevent possible complications of the disease. It is most often corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory steroids, such as prednisone or hydrocortisone). These can sometimes be used in addition to the gluten-free diet to speed up remission in severe cases.

Rashes may sometimes require you to take dapsone, an antibacterial medicine.


A few tips

  • Chewing food well before swallowing improves absorption of nutrients.
  • Bacteria in yogurt (gluten-free) could help the intestinal flora to reform9.
  • Call the restaurant before going there to inquire about the possibility of having gluten-free dishes.
  • Cook meals ahead of time for lunch.
  • Inform relatives of the ingredients that cannot be eaten. And why not provide them with some gluten-free recipes?


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