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Omicron causes a milder course of the disease, with symptoms similar to a cold, research suggests. A stuffy nose, headache, sore throat and muscle aches are some of the symptoms. In this situation, the most important thing is to do the test – you need to know what you are dealing with. If it’s a coronavirus, the question arises, what to do next? How to treat an infection at home? Check what must not be forgotten – for your own good.

  1. Remember that there are no “home remedies” for COVID-19. There is also no evidence that taking vitamin C, zinc, or vitamin D supplements (we’re not talking about deficiency-related supplementation) is useful here.
  2. If the symptoms of coronavirus infection are mild, home treatment will help, among others drinking plenty of fluids, eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, avoiding lying on your back
  3. It is advisable to use antipyretic drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or paracetamol), in case of severe cough – antitussive drugs
  4. It is important to constantly monitor your health during the disease and react to the worsening symptoms. What should alert you?
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Omicron or colds – never underestimate the symptoms! What to do?

The supercar Omikron begins to dominate Europe. In some countries, infection rates are at their highest since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. An example is France, where more than 200 jobs have recently been recorded. new cases. In Poland, the wave related to Omikron is expected in the second half of January. Data collected in South Africa and Great Britain suggest that the course of infection with this mutation is milder than in the previous variants (but on the other hand, it is more contagious than Delta). However, this absolutely does not mean that you can be less vigilant.

The symptoms of Omikron infection may resemble a common cold. Therefore, if you observe, among others, scratchy throat, headache and muscle aches, stuffy nose and other symptoms of infection, don’t ignore the symptoms and be sure to check what’s really wrong with you. Contact your GP, First Contact Teleplatform (TPK), or you can sign up for the SARS-CoV-2 test yourself (details). Remember that when you order the SARS-CoV-2 test, you are in quarantine! You are released from it only for the time you travel to the collection point and return to your whereabouts.

  1. Omicron – what are the symptoms compared to previous mutations?

People who are tested for coronavirus infection and experience mild symptoms are probably asking themselves what to do next? How to be treated at home? Are there any ways to help the body fight the pathogen?

COVID-19 treatment at home. What can you do?

The first and most important thing to know: there are no “home remedies” for COVID-19. There is also no evidence that taking vitamin C supplements is useful in this situation. It has also not been confirmed that vitamin D or zinc can be considered medicinal supplements in this situation. So how do you help yourself?

  1. Vitamin C is not a panacea for colds and flu

First of all: plenty of rest and plenty of fluids (water, soup, fruit juices, hot tea with lemon are a good choice). In addition, fluids can help soothe a sore throat and thin the mucus. Another thing is diet. – Eat healthy. Your body needs good nutrition to support your immune system. This is not the time to skip fruit and vegetables – reminds prof. Lee Green, head of the department of family medicine at the University of Alberta (Canada). It is also important not to smoke or inhale cigarette smoke when you are ill (this is universal advice, good under all circumstances). It is also worth avoiding lying on your back during illness.

What about medications? As we read in the “Recommendations for the management of COVID-19 patients treated at home”, it is advisable to use antipyretic drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or paracetamol are the most effective) in the case of fever> 38,5 degrees C. ». It is also recommended to use antitussive drugs in patients with severe cough (making it difficult to talk and sleep). In severe cases, the use of preparations containing codeine can be considered ».

The cough can also be relieved by honey (it is enough to eat a spoon), but beware, we do not give it to young children (details).

When is it necessary to seek medical help? Alarming signals

In the course of COVID-19, however, there are situations when home treatment is not enough and you need to seek medical help (in the event of a sudden deterioration of health, we call the emergency number 999 or 112, informing the dispatcher that we have a coronavirus or suspect an infection. ). What should alert you?

We never underestimate breathing problems, chest pain and tightness, coughing that makes it difficult to breathe and speak freely, changes in consciousness and behavior (e.g. difficulty waking the sick person, changes in the way we speak), fever above 39 degrees Celsius, drop in blood pressure below 90/60 mmHg (if the patient usually has higher blood pressure).

  1. Low saturation – causes, symptoms, treatment. How to measure the saturation?

Noel Gibney, professor emeritus at the University of Alberta, recommends getting a pulse oximeter that can measure your blood oxygen levels and alert you to your deteriorating health.

At Medonet Market, you can also buy the Vitammy o2 connect pulse oximeter with Bluetooth, which you can connect with other mobile devices.

It is worth mentioning here the DOM (Home Medical Care) program, which enables monitoring of the health of patients suffering from COVID-19, who does not require hospital treatment. As we read on «The pulse oximeter comes to you for free. When you turn 55, you automatically qualify for the program and receive a home appliance by mail. If you are under 55, you can order a pulse oximeter online or through a qualification by a GP »(details).

The necessary information on how to deal with coronavirus infection can be obtained by calling the toll-free number 800 190 590 (open XNUMX/XNUMX).

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  3. How could a pandemic go? Cautious optimism. «Signs are already visible in South Africa»

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