How to treat allergies. star examples

“Poplar fluff, heat, July” – it is only in the song “Ivanushki” that fluff evokes memories of the first kiss. Sometimes there is no salvation from him – there and then a runny nose, itching and red eyes. But if only fluff was worth beingware of! After all, allergies can be caused by the fur of a beloved pet, and cold, and even … a golden ring.

The stars are crying too

Allergy to

… blooms, citrus fruits, pitted fruits, carrots, gluten, alcohol, cigarette smoke, cats, dust.

Victoria Daineko, singer:

– It all started when I was a child, then we lived in Kazakhstan. When I was 6-7 years old, I could sleep in the room where the cats were, but as soon as they approached me, terrible sores poured out on my lips, they also bled so that it was painful to talk. It was then that it turned out that I was allergic to wool. Because of her, I still cannot wear fur coats, I wear only rabbit fur.

A few years later, when I arrived in Moscow, my mother and I rented an apartment and on the eve of my admission to the Russian State Humanitarian University decided to do a general cleaning at home. And the next morning I got acquainted with inhalers for asthma, because otherwise I could not breathe normally. So it turned out that I was allergic to dust. The doctor categorically forbade me to contact with all detergents and advised me to keep my hands in water as little as possible, otherwise they become completely unmarketable. For over ten years now I have not cleaned myself at home. It’s a shame when people write in response to my entries in the microblogging that I am looking for an au pair: “Look, what a fifa, he can’t clean the house.” And my husband sometimes, when he wants to hurt me, reproachfully says: “You can’t even wash the floors.” But I’m not out of laziness. Physically I cannot.

Over time, I developed an allergy to citrus fruits, which I love to madness, to fruits with seeds. And once I ate a carrot, and I had Quincke’s edema (edema of the larynx, an acute reaction of the body to an allergen. – Approx. “Antenna”). I also have an allergy to cigarette smoke (because of which my husband had to quit smoking), alcohol, and I suffer from gluten intolerance (a protein that is part of most cereals. – Approx. “Antenna”).

It seems that my body is building a decent person out of me: nothing harmful. But that’s not even bad. Allergy to alcohol started a couple of years ago, a year before I decided to become a mother. Very timely. If you think about the health of future children, you must limit yourself in many ways. I did it naturally.

My mom is also allergic with experience. We understand each other like no one else. Recently we sat on a bench and took turns wiping away our tears. Mom says: “I really like spring, everything is beautiful, everything is blooming.” And I repeat with tears in my eyes: “Yeah, how beautiful.” Mom, knowing my love for fruits, never brings them to our house, and when I visit my parents, they hide delicious food so as not to upset me.

I don’t drink pills, I don’t want to poison the body. Several years ago, she underwent a treatment course in Germany, and after it the allergic reaction became less severe. Also, folk remedies can help against allergies, unlike various tablets and other chemicals, they are environmentally friendly and useful. If before that it was about 100%, now it has dropped to 20-30%. Life is much easier for me. And before you go, for example, on tour in a dusty bus, everyone feels fine, but I can’t breathe. After a six-hour journey, literally out of sorts. You understand that asthma is not the singer’s best friend. Therefore, I warn the organizers in advance: if you do not like the car, I will not sit in it. And this is not a whim, but a fear that the allergy will return in a serious form.

… precious metals, cosmetics

Anita Tsoi, singer:

– I have never suffered from allergies. But in 2013, on the “One to One” project, I got a terrible irritation from the makeup. My face was covered with a crust, I could not breathe, I was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where I spent several days on an IV.

After this incident, I began to notice: from some cosmetics and jewelry, the skin begins to redden and itch. I donated blood and, unfortunately, found out that I was allergic to all metals, including precious ones. I was shocked. After all, what woman does not like jewelry! But the husband was delighted: there is no more need to spend money on silver and gold, but the doctor quickly returned him to the ground: “There is no allergy to platinum.” Now I look longingly at the photographs of past years – everything is hung with tsatskami.

And now the friends are surprised: “Why are you not even wearing a ringlet?” Yes, because from any necklace or necklace, terrible rashes appear, ears bleed from earrings, and even rings are hard to wear. If I really need to wear jewelry, I take an antihistamine pill at night. As for cosmetics, now I don’t use anything outside the stage, and I can withstand stage makeup for a maximum of two hours, as soon as I get into the car, I wash my face right away. Otherwise, breathing problems begin.

To figure out how to live with this further, she was examined in Germany. The doctor said that for a long time I simply did not notice the allergy, and the silicone masks that were applied to my face while participating in the show overflowed the accumulated vessel. Plus a stressful situation, and here is the result – an allergy.

I was prescribed pills, which I drank at night for six months. Then she could at least wear rings. But as soon as I quit drinking, I immediately felt itching. I warned all my friends: do not give jewelry. To avoid precedents, before each birthday I send out a list of desired gifts to the invitees. And old jewelry is kept at home. Suddenly, the allergy will pass, well, or they will remain a legacy.

… for cats

Dmitry Kuklachev, circus performer, director, son of Yuri Kuklachev:

– I have a sad, but at the same time life-affirming story. At the age of five, my dad and I arrived in Odessa. And when I entered the local circus, saturated with the smell of animals, I had my first attack – an asthmatic crisis. After that, I could no longer communicate with any animals. After 10-15 minutes, spent next to the cat, eyes began to itch, snot, tears appeared, and gasped for breath. They almost carried me out of the room with the animal in their arms. It was a tragedy for me.

After all, already at that time I could not imagine life without a circus. Injections, pills, inhalation did not help. But when I was seven years old, a solution was found. Dad met Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, a doctor who invented the technique of shallow breathing. The principle is somewhat similar to yoga: you need to control breathing, its depth, breathe through your nose, and after exhaling, maintain a pause. However, the simplicity of the method is only visible. This is a strong-willed method that is difficult for a child to master.

I managed to do it after a year of hard training. I sat in a comfortable position, relaxed and took control of my breathing. If in the first lesson the pause after exhalation was 3 seconds, then after a few months it reached almost a minute. A huge leap for a child. Buteyko even thought that I was secretly breathing through my mouth. But everything was fair. Apparently, my desire to cope with allergies was so great.

Now my pause is two and a half minutes, and I continue to study, increase the indicator. External allergens no longer affect my body. Every day I work with animals: cats, horses, elephants. When I feel that an attack is approaching, I reduce my breathing, and everything goes away. And one more plus: I forgot about viral diseases, since it is problematic to catch them with such a respiratory system. Allergies, unfortunately, are completely incurable. One way or another, she will accompany a person all his life. But there are non-drug ways to relieve her symptoms. And this system is proof of that.

… in the cold Nina Shatskaya, singer:

– For the first time, an allergy to cold manifested itself in me 20 years ago. I then lived in America for six months, and when I returned to Russia in June, I went to a film festival on the Black Sea. And there every evening my hands and feet were covered with small itchy spots. It seemed that a horde of mosquitoes were attacking me. I couldn’t understand why they don’t bite anyone, but me – yes! I went to the doctor and found out that the fault was not bloodsuckers, but … cold allergies.

And it is not so much a severe frost that threatens me as the temperature difference. For example, as soon as I pick up a drink from the refrigerator in an iron can, a rash immediately appeared. If I went outside in winter, and there was an icy wind, my face would turn red and swell. I went into the warmth – it got even worse. As a person who loves to walk, this was insanely upsetting for me. No cream helped.

The only effective way was to change the way of life. In the cold season, I was forced to leave the house and immediately jump into the car. Over the years, the symptoms subsided, I even started cross-country skiing in winter in winter. Now the allergy makes itself felt only when it is very cold outside.

Glory, singer:

– Three years ago I was surprised to learn that I have a strange allergy … to snow. My youngest daughter and I walked at the dacha, played snowballs. When they came home, my face was covered with red spots. At first I thought I ate something wrong. When the story with the rashes was repeated several times, I found out that it was the snow that was the cause. And sometimes flakes flying from the sky do not cause a reaction. Perhaps the point is in the chemical composition of the water. I am not being treated for my illness. Usually in the morning everything goes away.

… to the solarium

Natalia Lesnikovskaya, actress:

– I have a terrible allergy to the solarium. This was discovered when I was filming the movie “The Only One, On Demand”, where I played a glamorous fifa, and I had to look very tanned. I began to go to the solarium every day, but then rashes appeared on my skin. I had to drink antihistamines. Since then, I have been cautionary about the solarium. I think it’s better to lie on the beach in the sun.

… on dog hair

Karina Mishulina, actress (TV series “Fizruk”):

– Recently I came to visit a friend who lives with a Yorkshire terrier. And I immediately started having a strong runny nose, coughing, my eyes began to itch. And I was going to have a dog this summer. Now you have to think a few times before buying a puppy. Although, they say, you just need to find a suitable breed. I also know that people with wool allergies are advised to do wet cleaning more often, wash their hands and bathe their pet. Maybe I will.

… on paints, dust

Lyubov Rudenko, actress:

– Since childhood, I suffer from allergies to paints, chemical odors and dust. Sometimes I go on stage in a theater and my eyes start to water. I’m saving myself with pills. The theater is not a home, it is impossible to vacuum it! Dust collects on curtains, curtains, tassels. And if the decorations have been updated and they smell like fresh paint, please ventilate. I feel the same if there is a cat in the apartment. If we shoot scenes of a film in a house, I immediately ask if animals live here. Even if the cats are locked in the next room, it does not help. I ask you to buy pills, otherwise the shooting may fail.


Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov, soloist of the group “Ivanushki International”

– I myself, fortunately, do not suffer from allergies. But in the summer, every time I precede the performance of “Poplar Pooh” with the words: “The next song will sound especially for all allergy sufferers.” And after all, no one is offended, on the contrary, they sing with the whole audience.

A couple of phrases

What medicines do you take with you on vacation?

Olga Buzova:

– If I am going to the sea, be sure to take with me a face cream with a protective factor of 50 and a remedy for burns.

Alisa Grebenshchikova, actress:

– Son – brilliant green and adhesive plaster, he constantly runs somewhere, climbs somewhere and, sometimes, scratches. Also in the cosmetic bag there are activated charcoal and antipyretic drugs. And for myself, perhaps, an ointment for mosquito bites.

Polina Maksimova, actress:

– Something from poisoning and allergies. Well, and most importantly – there is always potassium permanganate in your purse. They no longer sell it. Preserved from the “shaggy” times. In case of poisoning, you can dilute and drink. Dad always taught me to take an antiseptic with me. Since, if the fruit is washed only with water, dirt may remain, and it is safer with an antiseptic.

Margarita Sukhankina, singer, soloist of the Mirage group:

– Since I go on vacation with children and, as a rule, to the sea, there are always antipyretic drugs in the first-aid kit; a special paste, necessary for intestinal infections (it has an absorbing effect), and also a powder that restores the water-salt balance for the same intestinal disorders. I always take ordinary hydrogen peroxide, you never know a cut happened and you have to stop the blood, and an ointment for healing wounds and sunburns. And for a long time she made it a rule not to travel without an antihistamine.

Sergey Tereshchenko (TV series “CHOP”, TNT):

– Multivitamins, omega-3, vitamin E, a sports supplement containing magnesium, zinc and vitamins B6, BCAA amino acids for muscle growth and pain reliever.

Anna Tsukanova-Kott, actress:

– Only activated carbon. And on vacation, and in life, I am against drugs, I drink them in case of great need. And coal can be drunk anyway. To cleanse the body on vacation.

Vsevolod Eremin, Christina Desyatova, Elena Selina, Elena Shatalova

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