“Poplar fluff, heat, July” – it is only in the song “Ivanushki” that fluff evokes memories of the first kiss. Sometimes there is no salvation from him – there and then a runny nose, itching and red eyes. But if only fluff was worth looking out for! Elena Malysheva told how to avoid allergies in the summer.
Elena Malysheva, doctor, professor, TV presenter and … allergic person:
– For the first time I had an allergy in the 9th grade. When I fell ill with pneumonia, I was injected with an antibiotic from the penicillin class, and in response I developed hives – red spots appeared on my body. They were noticed by my mother, a pediatrician. And she explained that I must remember the drug to which the body reacted in this way for the rest of my life. And then, if you enter it again, you can die. For allergy sufferers, there is one simple rule: exclude contact with the allergen. Therefore, it is so important to know what you are allergic to. Today, in order to find out, you need to go through a fairly simple examination. I passed it at the clinic of Professor Prodeus (Andrey Prodeus, immunologist, allergist, co-host of Elena Malysheva in the program “Living is Healthy!” – Approx. “Antenna”). I know how to behave in acute situations, how to avoid allergies. And therefore armed.
Andrey Prodeus:
– Elena Malysheva is a wonderful patient who strictly and meaningfully follows the doctor’s recommendations, which is important in the treatment of allergies.
– What is allergy?
A.P .: This is an unusual overreaction of the immune system to a common event. It can present with skin rashes, dermatitis, urticaria, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and bronchospasm. Allergens can be different: household (house dust mites, animal hair and saliva), food (food), pollen (grass and plant pollen), as well as molds.
– What should people who suffer during the spring flowering of plants do?
EAT.: I will answer as a patient. The first rule sounds simple: go to a place where plants that are allergic to you do not bloom. And no problems will arise. And if this is not possible, remember the second rule. Water is your greatest friend. You need to take a shower and wash your hair after each return home, you need to hang wet gauze nets on the windows, and do wet cleaning at home every day. And rejoice in every rain. Water prevents allergens from flying and getting into the nose and mucous membranes. Water is the best thing nature has done for allergy sufferers.
A.P .: But if you cannot avoid meeting the allergen, the doctor’s task is to make the patient’s life comfortable. For this, there is a wide range of drugs that reduce the manifestations of allergies (tablets, ointments, sprays, drops, inhalers). There are also approaches to the pathogenetic treatment of allergies – the so-called allergo-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). If the case is not too severe, then traditional medicine can help against allergies. Severe cases can now be treated with modern monoclonal antibody drugs (omalizumab).
– But what about those who are allergic to various foods?
EAT.: I will repeat it again. No contact – no allergy. And it is important to behave correctly in an acute situation.
A.P .: There is a fundamental difference between true and pseudo-allergies. In the first case, even a small dose of an allergen can cause serious consequences, and in case of pseudo-allergy (or food intolerance), there is a clear dependence on the dose of the allergen. The higher the dose, the stronger the reaction of the body.
– Is allergy inherited?
EAT.: Allergy is not inherited, a predisposition to it is transmitted. My parents did not suffer from any allergies. My brother and sister too. And I’m allergic.
A.P .: It is not the disease itself that is inherited, but the ability to manifest it. According to statistics, if both parents are allergic, the child has a 70% chance of detecting the disease. If only one of the parents is sick, the chances are reduced to 30%.
IMPORTANT: there are only eight categories of foods that are true allergens: milk, seafood, fish, eggs, soy, peanuts, lemon, wheat. But with food intolerance (pseudo-allergy), the body reacts only to a large amount of an allergen (there may be chocolate and honey, all individually). The main thing is not to overeat this product. In small doses, it is not scary.
TIP: in case of an allergic reaction to cosmetics, cleanse the skin with vegetable oil – olive, sunflower. Then make a boric lotion (a teaspoon of boric acid in a glass of boiled water, moisten a bandage with the resulting solution and apply to the face for 10-15 minutes). And follow a diet – give up salty, sweet, spicy.