How to treat a child’s nail fungus. Video
Despite the fact that the likelihood of contracting onychomycosis (nail fungus) in children is 30% lower than in adults, babies often get this infection. And, of course, it needs to be treated. The matter is complicated by the fact that most of the drugs that are prescribed for adults cannot be used to treat a child from a fungus. However, there is still a way out.
Fungus of nails in a child
If a child is over three years old and attends preschool or school, the likelihood of catching any kind of fungal infection is very high. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor children very carefully in order to identify the disease at an early stage and to carry out more effective and faster treatment.
How to treat nail fungus in children
The main sign that a child has a fungal nail infection is a change in the appearance of the nail. In most cases, it becomes yellow, dense, raised and very brittle. Often, all this is accompanied by a rather unpleasant odor, which, however, may not appear for some time. Damage to the nail is sometimes also accompanied by problems with the skin around the nail. It can become excessively dry or even, on the contrary, weeping, itching and various redness appear.
Naturally, if such symptoms are found, you must immediately go to the doctor. As a rule, dermatologists are struggling with similar problems. But, as an option, you can approach the supervising pediatrician with your suspicions, who will offer you a further scheme of actions.
To begin with, doctors will conduct an examination, as a result of which they will establish an accurate diagnosis. You should not refuse the examination (even if you are 100% sure that it is mycosis), because tests and analyzes will show which variant of the fungus the child has. And accurate diagnosis is the key to more successful treatment.
As a rule, complex treatment is prescribed for the treatment of nail fungus – tablets inside and ointment outside. In most cases, children prefer to prescribe only ointments, since medicinal tablets are too strong for the child’s body and can have a toxic effect on the child.
Therefore, the fungus will have to be treated with ointments or gels, which usually contain:
- clotrimazole,
- naftifine hydrochloride,
- bifonazole.
Gently rub the prescribed product into the nail plate and the skin around it. For maximum effect, apply a patch to the nail and leave it on overnight.
The patch helps to create the desired thermal effect, thanks to which the active substances of the cream or ointment will act faster and more efficiently. Socks in this situation will not work, as they will simply lubricate the cream from the nail.
In the morning, remove the plaster, and wash the child’s feet in a basin with soapy water. Gradually trim off the part of the nail affected by the fungus. Such manipulations will have to be repeated until complete recovery.
Alternatively, if the situation has not gone too far, you can use special medicated varnishes to tidy up your nails. It can also be used in complex treatment together with ointment.
The only thing you need to be prepared for is that the treatment will be long. It can last up to a year. It all depends on the degree of damage and the depth of penetration of the fungus into the nail plate
Prevention of nail fungus
If a child’s nail fungus is found, be sure to take a set of preventive measures. To do this, disinfect all manicure and pedicure items that you have in your house. This is necessary so that no other family member gets the infection.
Be sure to have personal indoor shoes for each family member, and don’t share your outdoor shoes with anyone else. Also, do not give the old shoes of a child with mycosis, from which he has already grown, to other babies. This puts them at risk of contracting a fairly serious infection.
Do not allow your child to walk barefoot on the floor when visiting the public pool. He must have his own slippers, which must be washed in a disinfectant solution after each visit to the pool.
Keep your child’s hands and feet dry. This will not give the fungus an ideal breeding ground. Remember that mushrooms are active in warm and humid environments.
You will read about how to do stretching at home in the next article.