Transplanting currants in the spring to a new place is considered a forced procedure. Perform it only when there is a threat to the further growth of the bush. If the transplant is not completed in a timely and competent manner, then the horticultural crop may die. At the same time, it is obvious that it is better to carry out the procedure in the spring, since this way the plant will receive less stress from manipulations in the absence of exposure to cold temperatures.

How to transplant currants in spring to a new place

Why you need to transplant currants

Changing the location of the berry bush in the spring is required for a number of reasons. It is necessary to transplant red or black currants to a new place if:

  1. Rejuvenation or renewal is required. For example, when a hive is old and you need to check its root system. Then cut off the sick, dry places. Young, healthy parts are used for further cultivation.
  2. Currants are distinguished by significant volumes and interfere with neighboring plants. Or tall trees create a shadow, which is bad for the condition and fruiting of garden shrubs. Sluggish growth is noticeable as a result of soil depletion.
  3. In the spring, a redevelopment of the garden plot is planned, a new place is allotted for currants.
  4. Rise of ground waters. This option will not suit the plant, excess fluid will lead to rotting of the roots, and in the future to irreversible consequences.
  5. It is recommended to transplant the newly formed shoots.

Red and black currants are painful to transplant in the spring. As a rule, the culture is sick for a long time. It often happens that the shrub does not have enough strength to restore full development. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the transplant region, the annual cycle, and characteristic varietal characteristics.

Attention! Transplantation of fruiting currants in the spring is carried out as a last resort, since this procedure is stressful for the plant.

When can currants be transplanted

Gardeners believe that it is best to transplant blackcurrants in the fall. It is at this time that intensive growth ends, the movement of juice slows down, and foliage is shed.

In this case, it is important to choose the right date for the procedure. The shrub should have about 20 days before frost in order to take root and calmly endure the winter. On the other hand, if the currant is transplanted early, it can “mix up” the season: it will release buds that will die as a result of night frosts.

Advice! Transplanted currants are covered for the winter. However, you should not use hay, straw, rodents can take root there, which will harm the roots.

Transplantation in the spring is started early, when the snow melts, and the average daily temperature will be in the range of 0-1 ° C. Another important fact is that by the time the place is changed, the buds should not swell on the currant. Therefore, the period for performing a transplant in the spring is short.

Attention! You can not touch the flowering currant – it will drop the flowers.

Planting a berry bush in the summer is not advised. The procedure is possible if there is no other way out. In the heat, the plant needs abundant watering to restore strength.

How to transplant currants in spring to a new place

How to transplant currant

For successful rooting and further growth, it is important to choose the right site. Despite the fact that the currant is considered an unpretentious plant, it is worth carefully preparing a place for transplanting in the spring.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

The main preferences of the berry bush:

  1. Flat ground surface. The site on the slope is characterized by strong wind loads, lack of moisture. The lowlands are terrible because of the high accumulation of groundwater, which adversely affects the measles system.
  2. Illuminated place. Shade is possible only at lunchtime, when the sun’s rays are at their most active.
  3. Equidistant location from other berry bushes. Neighborhood can lead to mutual infection.
  4. Neutral or slightly acidic soil acidity. Light loam is optimal for transplanting adult currant bushes. Otherwise, the desired structure and composition can be achieved through drainage, fertilizers, and mulching.
  5. Free space. It is not recommended to plant a crop next to a fence, large trees, buildings. The minimum distance is 1 m.

In the spring, before the transplant procedure, prepare the soil. The first step is to start digging the earth in order to destroy the fungal spores and pests that are in the top layer. From the site you will need to remove debris, weeds, stones. It is advisable to perform preparatory procedures 10-20 days before transplanting currants.

Attention! Thickened bushes often get sick.

Preparing bushes for transplanting

In the spring, during the transplantation of a blackcurrant bush, the volume of the root system decreases, which in turn causes a number of problems with the nutrition of the vegetative part. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend cutting bushes 20-25 days before the proposed event. It is necessary to leave only shoots important for fruiting and development. Shorten the rest by ½ length. When transplanting currants in the spring, sanitary pruning can be done in the fall.

After extracting the culture from the soil, the roots are carefully inspected for rot or the presence of pests. Damaged areas should be removed and disinfected. If necessary, treat with fungicides or insecticides, respectively.

Advice! No need to combine the removal of branches and transplantation – this is a double burden on the plant.

How to transplant currants in spring to a new place

Rules for transplanting currant bushes in spring

The main stages of transplanting an old currant bush in spring:

  1. They form recesses with dimensions of 70×70 cm. The depth should not be less than 40 cm. Free space stimulates the growth of lateral root branches, which are the main source of nutrition for currants.
  2. The distance between the pits is 1,5 m for tall varieties. Otherwise, the plants will darken each other, development will be inferior.
  3. A drainage layer 15-20 cm thick is laid at the bottom. Crushed stone, broken brick are usually used.
  4. Next, humus is laid, which will nourish the berry crop for 2 years. The decomposition period of organic matter is 4 years. For active growth, wood ash and superphosphate will be the necessary elements. Their currant requires a large amount, so 150 g of substances are added to one well.
  5. Sprinkle with earth on top so that there is no contact of the root system with fertilizers.
  6. The berry culture is dug up and taken to the surface. Do not pull on the branches, as they can be damaged.
  7. Water is poured into the recess to make liquid mud. Currants are immersed in it and sprinkled with earth.
  8. The root neck is deepened by 8 cm. The soil is rammed a little so that voids do not form.
  9. Mulch the plant with needles, foliage or peat. The natural layer will allow for a long time to prevent the soil from drying out.
  10. The first 5 days after transplanting to a new place, currant bushes in the spring must be abundantly moistened.
Attention! Additional currant fertilizer in the spring-autumn season is not required.

Features of transplanting black, white and red currants

The very principle of transplanting a berry bush is the same for all varieties. The differences lie in the further care and choice of place of growth. Black currants are able to bear fruit in partial shade, while red and white currants require full sun.

Moisturize the black variety in small portions, but often. Red and white varieties need to be watered abundantly. It is undesirable to transplant red and black currants next to weeds.

How to transplant currants in spring to a new place

Post-transplant care

Regardless of when the transplant took place, in spring or autumn, the first task is to remove the vegetation mass as much as possible. It is enough to leave 3 kidneys for reproduction. This will slow down development, allow the bush to slow down, get stronger.

The first 10-14 days it is worth organizing abundant watering. Water should be in the hole. The next year’s harvest depends on the amount of moisture. However, the regime of water procedures must be brought back to normal after the third week, otherwise the roots will rot.

During the first year, you should take care of the crown, properly form. Shoots should grow up.

Tips from experienced gardeners

To minimize the risk of black or red currants drying up in a new place after transplantation, gardeners focus on certain nuances:

  1. It is not necessary to place new seedlings in areas where an old currant bush has recently been uprooted, since infection with fungi present in the soil is possible. It is better to choose another place, to give the earth a little rest.
  2. Not far from the berry crop in the spring, you can plant onions and garlic. They protect against harmful insects. An unfavorable neighborhood is noted with raspberries, gooseberries. Do not place the black and red varieties side by side.
  3. In the spring after transplanting, it is important to shorten the shoots, otherwise the adaptation period will be extended.
  4. A new hole should be dug more than the previous one in order to be able to bury the plant about 7-10 cm lower.
  5. After a change of residence in the future, abundant watering is needed for quick recovery and a bountiful harvest. The land around the horticultural crop should be damp.
  6. Excessive fertilization in the spring can harm the plant. When feeding, it is important to strictly follow the instructions on the package.
  7. It is not recommended to transplant an old bush, which is about 15 years old. It must be removed, having previously propagated by layering or cuttings.


Transplanting currants in the spring to a new place is a difficult procedure. You need to choose spring or autumn, based on the climatic characteristics of the landing region. Observing simple rules, as a result, you can get a lush bush and a full-fledged harvest of berries.

How to transplant a currant bush without risk, part 2

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