It is undesirable to transplant an apple tree in the summer, because the tree will get sick and may not even take root in a new place. However, young seedlings can be transplanted, including in the regions of the middle lane. It is better to start work towards the end of August, and the site is being prepared in the spring.

Is it possible to transplant an apple tree in summer

Replanting an apple tree in June and other summer months is undesirable. The fact is that during this period the tree grows, blooms and bears fruit. In the summer months, sap flow in the vessels is at its peak, the roots grow well, and if they are disturbed, they will hurt for a long time.

Therefore, the optimal time for transplanting an apple tree is mid-autumn. During this period, the development of the plant ends, the roots are prepared for winter. If the autumn deadline is missed, transplantation can be scheduled for mid-spring. This option is recommended for Siberia, the Urals, the northern regions.

Despite the fact that transplanting an apple tree in the summer in August and other months is undesirable, in case of emergency it is possible. When carrying out the procedure, it is worth considering several features:

  1. First of all, seedlings that are grown in containers are chosen. They have a good root system, and besides, it is possible to form a dense earthen clod so as not to injure underground layering during transplantation. To do this, the soil in the pot is well watered beforehand, and the next day the crop is planted in the ground.
  2. Transplanting apple trees with open roots in summer is more difficult. For this, it is worth choosing winter-hardy varieties. Their roots will take root faster in a new place and will be less affected by frost.
  3. If you transplant an apple tree in June or other summer months, it will require a large amount of top dressing. During this period, nitrogen is no longer given, the main emphasis is on superphosphate and potassium compounds. In the middle of autumn, wood ash is given – it will help the roots take root faster in a new place.
  4. You will also need to water the tree well and do mulching. Injured roots need a lot of water.
Important! If the tree is weakened, affected by diseases, pests, or has recently suffered from them and is undergoing a recovery stage, it is not worth transplanting in the summer. It is better to wait for the next season and plan work for the beginning of October.
How to transplant an apple tree in the summer to another place

In the summer, transplanting is possible only as a last resort.

When to transplant an apple tree in summer

Active plant growth occurs in the first half of summer, so transplanting an apple tree in June and July would be the wrong decision. It is best to schedule work for August, preferably towards the end of the month. This period is justified for the Urals, Siberia and the northern regions.

At the same time, trees should not be dug up during prolonged rains or, conversely, during a drought. At this point, they are especially vulnerable to pests and diseases.

Advice! It is advisable to transplant an apple tree in August in cloudy weather without rain and strong wind. If it is sunny during the day, work should be scheduled for the evening. In the morning, transplanting should not be done.

Site Preparation

First you need to choose a place. It must meet several criteria:

  1. Good lighting – you can not choose areas with a strong shadow.
  2. Distance from large trees that take a lot of nutrients and water.
  3. Open space with a constant flow of air.
  4. Exclude lowlands – moisture accumulates here, which in excess harms the plant.
  5. Lack of groundwater – it is desirable that they do not fit above 2-3 m.

When transplanting apple trees, they can be placed next to mountain ash, pear, plums. Some varieties will need pollinators, this needs to be clarified in advance.

It is worth starting to prepare the site for transplanting an apple tree in the summer in advance, preferably in the spring. It is dug up and compost or humus is added in the amount of 10 kg per 1 m2. If there is a lot of clay in the soil, it is necessary to add sand or sawdust up to 3-5 kg ​​for the same area. Since the apple tree grows well in slightly acidic and neutral soils, it is recommended to measure the pH before transplanting. If it turns out to be less than 5,5, dolomite flour or wood ash is added up to 300 g per square meter.

If the crowns are sprawling, then when transplanting, pits are dug at a distance of 5-7 m from each other. If the apple trees are columnar, with a compact crown, you can take a minimum interval of 1 m. The depth of the pit should be 60-80 cm, and the width should be up to 1 m, so that the roots can freely settle in the ground.

How to transplant an apple tree in the summer to another place

Apple trees grow well in open areas.

When arranging a pit for transplantation, they act as follows:

  1. They mark several holes, dig them to a depth of 80 cm.
  2. Lay a layer of drainage (20 cm) – it can be small stones, expanded clay, pebbles, broken bricks.
  3. Then they put a mixture of soddy soil with humus (a bucket per well), potassium sulfate (30 g) and superphosphate (200 g).
  4. The soil is sprinkled, watered and allowed to stand for 2-3 weeks.

The technology of transplanting an apple tree in the summer to a new place

Features of transplanting an apple tree are highly dependent on the specific type of planting material. The easiest way to work with seedlings, the most difficult – with young and mature trees. The main technologies are described step by step below.


Transplanting seedlings is the easiest option. As a rule, they are sold in containers, the root system is closed, so even when transplanted in the summer, it will not suffer much. Before starting a transplant, there are a few things to check:

  1. There are drainage holes in the container – the roots should not hang through them.
  2. The soil in the container must be sufficiently compacted.
  3. The day before transplanting in summer, the pot is well watered and allowed to stand.

Work algorithm:

  1. A peg 1 m high is placed in the center of the landing pit.
  2. During transplantation, the soil is dug up to make room for the seedling.
  3. They take a pot and with a sharp knife make longitudinal cuts in plastic in several places.
  4. Keeping the earth lump to the maximum, they transplant, placing the seedling in the center.
  5. Watered and mulched.
Advice! For transplanting in the summer, it is best to use annual seedlings. They can be purchased from nurseries or other trusted suppliers.


The technology of transplanting a young apple tree in the summer depends on whether it has a closed root system or an open one. If the seedling is in a large container with a volume of 10 liters or more, it is transferred in much the same way as a one-year-old.

The sequence of actions for transplanting in the summer is as follows:

  1. Water the pot thoroughly to form an earthen ball.
  2. Gently pull the trunk of the apple tree and pull it out along with the stuck soil.
  3. Place in a hole with previously prepared soil.
  4. Sprinkle, deepen the root neck by 5-8 cm.
  5. Water and mulch.
How to transplant an apple tree in the summer to another place

Planting hole scheme for a young crop

If the apple tree grows in open ground, transplanting in the summer is more difficult. First you need to dig it around the perimeter of the crown, the depth should be up to 60 cm. At the same time, someone is taken in such a way that it can actually be raised. After that, carefully watered and wait 1-2 days. They pull it out by the trunk, helping with a shovel or rake to pry off an earthen lump, and then they transfer it to a new place. It’s better to work together.


If the apple tree is mature, transplanting in the summer is more difficult, because the tree is too large. The technology is about the same, but you will have to work with two or three people. You need to act like this:

  1. Dig a trench up to 2 m deep along the perimeter of the crown.
  2. Thoroughly water the soil and wait 2-3 days.
  3. Pry off an apple tree with a crowbar, pull it out by the trunk and lay it on a dense canvas.
  4. Wrap, tie up sprawling branches.
  5. Drag to the pit and perform a transplant.
  6. Stakes are driven in around the tree and the trunk is fixed.
  7. After transplantation, the trunk circle should not be dug up during the year.
  8. In autumn, they mulch with humus, make trunks tied.


Transplanting a columnar apple tree in the summer follows the same technology as a young tree. But in this case, it is important to leave as much earthy coma as possible. The fact is that the root system of the tree is superficial, it develops well horizontally. Part of the underground layers will inevitably suffer, but if everything is done correctly, the tree will take root in a new place.

Water the soil thoroughly before transplanting. Then the tree is planted in a new place with an interval of 1 m (50 cm is also allowed). Install pegs and tie up the trunk. Water and mulch.


It is easiest to transplant dwarf apple trees, because they are small, the roots are not too deep. The technology is exactly the same. At the same time, it is necessary to leave an interval of at least 2 m between the trees, optimally 3 m. The diameter of the dug hole should be 60-70 cm.

Features of transplantation in different regions

Transplantation in the summer can be done in the following regions:

  • the middle lane, including the Moscow region;
  • the Volga region;
  • Chernozem region;
  • southern regions.

As for the Urals, Siberia, the North-West, the Far East and the northern regions, it is undesirable to transplant here in the summer. With a high probability, the seedlings will not have time to prepare in the winter and die. It is better to start work in the spring or at the end of August.

Important! It is easiest to transplant in the summer in the middle lane certain varieties. Gardeners recommend planting Grushovka Moscow, Medunitsa, Antonovka ordinary, Arkadik.
How to transplant an apple tree in the summer to another place

Lungwort is one of the varieties of apple trees that can be transplanted in summer

Post-transplant care

After the procedure, it is necessary to ensure good care of the culture. Apple trees are watered every 7-10 days (if there is no rain). When transplanting in summer, young seedlings are given 2-3 buckets of water, adults – up to 8. The soil is mulched. It is not necessary to loosen it – it is better not to disturb the roots.

Fertilizers can be applied once in September – the trees are watered with infusion of wood ash (300 g per 10 liters per 1 m2). Instead, you can use superphosphate (40 g per 10 l) and potassium salt (20 g). For the winter carefully mulch. For this, hay, straw, needles and other materials are used.


Replanting an apple tree in the summer is possible only in case of emergency. Even if all the rules are followed, the tree will get sick, and some seedlings may die. Therefore, it is best to schedule a transplant for autumn or spring.

Transplantation of fruit trees. How to transplant an apple tree.

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