Recently, many environmental projects have been implemented, more and more people are thinking about the future of the planet. But is it necessary to teach children to do this? Experts believe that it is possible to instill healthy eco-habits, but one should not hang a burden of environmental problems on a child. So how do you do it right?
A lot of attention is paid to environmental issues, and for good reason – every Russian has 450 kg of garbage per year, and, apparently, this is not the limit. What can be done right now?
To form good habits in oneself, as well as teach children to be conscious of nature and take care of the environment. Explain and show by example that it is important not only to consume, but also to give a second life to things, as well as to save and rationally treat natural resources.
Why is it important to teach children to care about the environment?
When the whole family makes certain efforts: for example, separating garbage, saving light and water, handing over things for recycling, and doing it together, the child adopts these principles, a special relationship to nature is laid in him. He understands its value, begins to cherish it, and in the future transfers his responsible attitude into adulthood.
In addition, the child begins to be more attentive to people, as his increased attention to nature will be projected onto the whole world around him. It is possible to talk about environmental protection with children from preschool age, but it is better to do it in a playful, more entertaining way.
During this period, children perfectly perceive all the information, and also most actively imitate their parents – and in the everyday way too. Therefore, it is important to become competent in environmental issues yourself, develop good habits and show your child by example how you can take care of the world around you.
Where to start?
1. Watch movies, cartoons, nature documentaries with your child, Talk about the importance of caring for the environment. Effectively about the environmental problems of our planet tells the documentary “Home” – an option, rather, for older children. But there is something for preschoolers too. You can focus on special editions of popular animated series: Smeshariki, Fixies, Peppa Pig.
As a full-length alternative, the Lorax and WALL-E, which have already become classics, will go. It is important to watch movies and cartoons in parts, discussing exciting or incomprehensible moments along the way.
2. Strengthen your child’s connection to nature: go out into the forest together, study the plants, talk about the features and life of insects that come across on the way. Plant a tree together, care for it, and watch it year after year. Engage in gardening, plant care, visit parks and botanical gardens.
3. Start sorting waste at home together: take three main fractions (glass, plastic and cardboard), tell your child about the properties of materials and the process of their processing. Explain how to properly sort waste:
- packaging must be clean;
- it is necessary to sort according to special markings indicated on the package.
Create a separate area at home for separate collection and instruct your child to ensure that each type of waste goes into a box or container designed for it. If you see that the child is not very interested in doing this, turn the sorting process into a game. For example, “which container will fill up faster.” As an option – play for speed: who will distribute the waste faster and more.
4. Take used batteries and plastic caps with your child to a designated collection point. Explain what this is for and what happens when this type of waste ends up in the ground or in an incinerator. Many companies organize the collection of raw materials to solve specific problems.
Create a tradition with your child to regularly recycle hazardous waste. This will be your joint contribution to the ecology of the world and a useful family ritual. If the child does not like it or is tired of sorting, then each such trip can be made a small holiday.
So, you can take your child to ride a boat or take part in a quest in the fresh air. But if you see that he likes to hand over caps, just praise him. Say that he has become quite an adult and understands how to take care of nature.
5. Give your child a science lesson, subscribe to the children’s scientific journal “Young Naturalist” (yes, it still exists). Understanding certain properties of various substances and materials plays an important role in educating a generation that cares about the environment.
6. Do not build a reward system on material goods, give your child emotions and impressions. Show your child that it is important not only to consume and buy something – teach them to enjoy simple things.
It happens that a child does not want to sort garbage, rejects any of your offers to participate. How to be? It is important not to insist here. Just postpone the conversation on this topic for a month or two. From time to time ask for help finding the label on the package (as if you couldn’t), get carried away with trips to the parks, the forest – build a motivational system on the study of nature. And later return to the issue of separate collection.
The habits that the child will acquire as a result of your joint actions will build the correct value system in the future. A person will be guided by this system all his life, if it is regularly maintained. And this means that he will make a huge contribution to the preservation of the environment, with his efforts will help the world become cleaner and more harmonious.
About the Author:
Natalya Hovakimyan – curator of the center for scientific education of children.