How to train with scoliosis: exercise equipment, swimming pool, yoga

For scoliosis, it is important to choose activities that strengthen the core muscles and do not put pressure on the vertebrae. The priority is swimming, yoga and a number of exercises on simulators.

It is possible and necessary to go in for sports with scoliosis. The main thing is to exclude strength training with a high load on the spine. The optimal types of physical activity for people with scoliosis are swimming and yoga.

Warn the coach about your diagnosis. It is desirable that he has certificates confirming that he understands the specifics of working with a curved spine. A visit to the hall or pool is well combined with visits to the massage therapist.

Exercises and sports contraindicated in scoliosis

With this diagnosis, movements that have a compressive effect on the vertebrae should be avoided:

  • weighted squats;
  • deadlift;
  • Romanian deadlift on straight legs;
  • traction to the chin;
  • bench press from a prone position;
  • army bench press with dumbbells;
  • bench press from behind the head or from the chest;
  • extension of the arms from behind the head to the triceps with heavy standing weight;
  • jumping, including jumping rope;
  • sharp twists;
  • dodges.

People with scoliosis are advised not to participate in ballet, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, rugby, judo, and boxing. The condition of their backs may worsen from exercises with barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells.

If you neglect these tips, there will be a risk of training the muscles in the left and right parts of the body asymmetrically. It will look unaesthetic. Muscles that receive less stress can atrophy.

Uneven axial load on the curved spine is fraught with hernias and damage to the intervertebral discs.

How to pump up the muscles of the back

With scoliosis, it is important to strengthen the core muscles – that is, the internal, deep ones. It is necessary to work out the hips, buttocks and lower back to make it easier for the spinal column to support the weight of the body. Doing lunges to strengthen the hip muscles is undesirable. The optimal formula is a large number of repetitions with a small burden.

  • With a curvature of the spine, it is useful to exercise on simulators that do not put a load on the right and left parts of the body at the same time. For example, it’s good to perform traction with one hand on a block simulator or in emphasis on one knee.
  • At the beginning of the lesson, you need to stretch your muscles and take time to hyperextension on the ball, on the floor or on the simulator. In between exercises and at the end of a workout, it is important to stretch the spine. To do this, you can hang on the crossbar or take the pose of a dog or cat.

The largest weight that is allowed to work with scoliosis is 50% of the athlete’s body weight.

More back exercises

Exercises that strengthen the muscular corset around the spinal column also include:

  • bar;
  • boat;
  • “good morning”;
  • push-ups on the uneven bars;
  • pull-ups in the gravitron;
  • pull of the upper block to the chest;
  • pull of the lower block to the belt;
  • dumbbell row with one hand in an incline with an emphasis on the knee.

They do not exert compressive pressure on the vertebrae, but, on the contrary, stretch them. Here is a short example of some exercises:

  1. Pull up – Pull up on the horizontal bar should be smooth, without jerking, solely due to the muscles of the back. The height of the horizontal bar should allow you to lower your legs to the floor when your arms are fully extended.
  2. Upper Block Pull – Performing the pull of the upper block to the chest, it is necessary to distribute the load over 5 sets of 5-10 repetitions. This exercise allows you to work out the round muscles and the trapezoid. Pulling the upper block with one hand, in turn, strengthens three types of muscles: paravertebral, trapezius and rhomboid.

After consulting with a doctor and trainer, it is permissible to wear a corset or belt for training that provides support to the spine.

Benefits of swimming for scoliosis

Contrary to stereotypes, swimming does not necessarily cure scoliosis completely (especially if the person is an adult). But exercising in the pool improves posture, relieves back pain, and increases stamina. It is ideal to swim 3 times a week for 40-60 minutes.

To get the most out of this type of physical activity, you need to:

  • swim on your back;
  • stretch in the water from head to toe;
  • use an inflatable ring or a floating board for stretching;
  • avoid sharp bends and unbends, rotations and twists.

The best swimming technique is to stroke and slide through the water, trying to swim as far as possible with inertia.

Swimming completely removes the load from the spine, straightening and stretching it. The left and right side of the body work asymmetrically, which is good for posture.

Why is it important to go to yoga

The general rules for yoga with scoliosis are as follows:

  1. With this diagnosis, headstands, axial load and asanas with twists are contraindicated.
  2. Light twisting is acceptable if the body is lying on the mat, and the lower back and stomach are relaxed.
  3. Postures in which the spine has to be unbent or bent too much are undesirable.
  4. Asymmetric asanas should be performed an equal number of approaches on the left and right sides.
  5. With vertical asanas, you do not need to stretch out to the side, it is better to keep the back muscles relaxed.

This kind of fitness is suitable even for those whose spine is very curved.

The most useful asanas for scoliosis are bhujangasana (cobra pose), makarasana (crocodile pose), shalabhasana (locust pose), tadasana (mountain pose) and shavasana (dead man pose).

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