How to train with a sore back

Back pain occurs for a number of reasons. It is caused by damage to the muscles and ligaments that support the spine, as well as osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, diseases of internal organs, in which pain radiates to the back. Contraindications to stress, as well as the treatment of all these diseases, differ, so it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment.


Training for acute pain

Of course, training in the acute phase of the disease should be canceled and a doctor should be consulted for a diagnosis, since this pain can be caused by both muscle hypertonicity and intervertebral hernia. If you have a hernia that did not bother you before, and now you feel pain, then this indicates the onset of the inflammatory process. Edema has formed, which compresses the nerve endings in the surrounding tissues, causing pain. When the hernia begins to form, there is no pain, but the tone and functionality of the muscles is impaired.

The first step is to consult with your doctor about anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy methods to stop the inflammatory process and relieve swelling. Massage and manual therapy do not relieve inflammation, but give only a short-term effect. No experimentation needed – see your doctor and start treatment.

When the pain goes away, return to physical activity, but not to the previous program (calorifier). You will have to perform exercise therapy exercises for at least one month to strengthen the muscular corset and skeletal muscles. Only then can you return to full-fledged workouts. You should also ask the doctor about this, having learned your indications and contraindications. Most doctors do not want to take responsibility, so they often advise you to stop exercising. In this case, it is better to see a doctor who is engaged in rehabilitation and can bring you up to date on training. Already with these appointments, you should come to the coach. If you are unlucky to find such a doctor, look for a trainer with a qualification of a rehabilitation therapist.

Workout with moderate back pain

If the diagnosis of a hernia is not confirmed, but you are worried about moderate pain, take a closer look at the training program.


What to exclude:

  1. Axial load on the spine (bench press / dumbbells standing, squats and lunges with a barbell, slopes with a barbell, deadlifts from the floor). All of these exercises can be replaced. For example, use machines for leg presses, extensions, flexions, information, and leg abductions, and use a standing press while seated.
  2. Horizontal rows without fixing the spine (horizontal block row, barbell row in the slope, dumbbell row in the slope). Instead, you can use a link bar machine or do one-handed dumbbell rows while lying on a bench at a 30-degree angle. When you rest your stomach and chest against a machine or bench while doing latissimus exercises, you release the load from the spinal column. Most of the exercises are preferably done while lying or sitting.
  3. Hyperextensions, twisting on the press in a Roman chair, in an emphasis on the uneven bars and on the floor with a lumbar separation – all these exercises expose the lumbar region to an enormous load, can cause or increase pain.
  4. Lumbar stretch – disturbs stability. The lumbar spine should support the spine and not stagger in all directions. Violation of its stability aggravates the condition. Stretching and yoga classes will have to be paused.
  5. Hanging on the horizontal bar – increases compression and pain. During the hang, the deep muscles of the back are contracted, and not relaxed.
  6. Jumping, running – create a shock load on the spine, it is better to replace them with prolonged low-intensity cardio.

In case of pain in the cervical spine, caution should be exercised when performing bench presses and sitting, and also refuse to hang on the horizontal bar, press from behind the head and traction of the upper block behind the head. The last two exercises are one of the most harmful and dangerous – they lead to accumulative trauma, they should not be in the program even in healthy people.


If you want to relax your back muscles after a workout, then lying down in a fetal position, using a fitball, or going to the pool is a good option. Swimming in the pool goes well with working out in the gym.

All the recommendations described above will be relevant for people returning to training after an exacerbation. We emphasize that each specific case should be discussed with a doctor.


Prevention of back pain

To prevent exacerbation, it is necessary to correctly build the training process. This will help you master the correct exercise technique, a balanced training program, strengthening the buttocks and abs.

  1. Correct exercise technique – always maintain a neutral spine position and a natural deflection in the lower back, never lift weights from the floor, rounding your back, do the squat, lifting the load with your legs, not your back.
  2. A balanced program means that the amount of load (exercises, sets, repetitions) in it will be balanced along the planes. You can use a simple beginner program, adjust it for yourself, or contact a personal trainer.
  3. The gluteal muscles and rectus abdominis muscle help maintain correct body position. When they are weak, problems begin. The best exercises are dumbbell or kettlebell squats (goblet squat), gluteal bridge, plank, twisting without lifting the lower back.

Attention to yourself, adherence to technique in training and in everyday life, correct load and an active lifestyle are the best prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system (calorizator). Even if you already have problems, it’s never too late to start training competently, so as not to exacerbate them.


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