How to train to win?

Real masters of their craft prefer to prepare for the tests “deeply” and “purposefully”. What does it mean? Details.

1. Preparation should be as similar as possible to a real performance (exam)

Psychologist Henry Roediger of Washington University in St. Louis conducted an experiment by dividing students into two groups and inviting them to study a history text. The first group studied the article for four lessons, the second – only one, but they were tested three times on this material. When both groups took the overall test a week later, the students in the second group, who studied the article four times less time, scored 50% higher.

2. You can’t be passive

Active self-assessment is always better than just repeating what you have learned (even if you fail to get A’s on your attempt). The fact is that quick decision-making requires the ability to highlight the main thing in the flow of information. And this can only be learned through experience.

3. Practice is more than just repetition

Real masters approach training strategically. First, if something doesn’t work out for them, they look for the reason and figure out what needs to be changed in order to move forward. Secondly, unlike those of us who train by doing what is easy, masters take a different approach – consciously and persistently do what is bad or does not work out at all. This is the only way to mastery – to constantly try to do what does not work. Thirdly, beginners usually think positively, praising themselves for any success. Masters think negatively: they focus on their mistakes and look for ways to eliminate them.

4. You need to train a lot

It is believed that to achieve true mastery, you need to practice at least 10 hours. Some researchers question this figure, but no one disputes that masters are made, not born. The secret of success, paradoxically, is ruthless self-criticism during training, which is replaced by reckless optimism when it’s time for a speech or exam.

Подробнее см. «Research Shows These Four Things Will Make You a Peak Performer»,

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