How to train and stretch with the beach towel

How to train and stretch with the beach towel


Practice these exercises on the beach itself or on the pool lawn after taking a bath

How to train and stretch with the beach towel

If the towel is essential for sports, why not use it in our exercises to tone arms or back? Now in summer, when we usually take a beach to lie on the beach, the excuses for not training are over. We will not even need to resort to gym nor to the sportswear, with the bathing suit and the towel that we have to dry ourselves is more than enough.

Gloria Morales, promoter of Ballet Fit in Spain, advises practicing some exercises on the shore of the beach or on the grass of the pool after having taken a bath, to liven up the afternoon while the body trains. In just two minutes, and doing them daily, it is possible to tone the arms, back and abdomen without leaving the sand or the edge of the pool.

Ballet Fit proposes the following exercises:

Shoulder warmer with two grips. It consists of making a roll the towel and taking the stretch with both hands. Once we have it, we pass both arms over the head, back and forth, without bending shoulders. Grip in pronation and supination.

Waist rotation. En la posición anterior, mantén agarrada la toalla con ambas manos y gira de izquierda a derecha varias veces.

Sacuda con fuerza la toalla. Como si quisieras deshacerte de la última mota de arena, sacude con todas tus fuerzas la toalla, manteniéndola agarrada con ambas manos para activar el abdomen y la espalda.

Shake the towel with one arm. Tal como has hecho en el ejercicio anterior, hazlo con un solo brazo. Hacia adelante, hacia atrás y en aleteo, flexionando los codos.

Roll the towel in and out. Remember to keep your back strong and rigid, and your abdomen held, supported and supported. You will notice a lot of work on your back.

End the workout with a stretch. Hacia un lado y hacia otro, con los brazos estirados en alto, muévete de izquierda a derecha flexionando las rodillas en cada cambio.

Training structure


-Trabajo para hombro.

-I work for biceps (front of the arm).

-Work for triceps (back of the arm).

-Work for the inner face of the arm.

Without forgetting to activate the abdomen and back well, always with the correct body posture.

Each exercise is focused on sagging arms. Cada uno dura 30 segundos, pasando al siguiente ejercicio sin apenas descanso. Se recomienda hacerlo tras salir del agua, cuando la toalla tiene más peso tras secarse. «Para progresar, es importante seguir con las rutinas habituales de Ballet Fit y aumentar progresivamente la fuerza y el tiempo», recomienda Gloria Morales.

Ballet Fit does not waste time and is committed to taking advantage of any moment in life to continue improving, having fun and progressing. Is a simple routine, enfocada en combatir la flacidez de los brazos, reduciendo y tonificando mientras sacudes la toalla de toda la beach sand. Isn’t that fun? In addition, you will be able to increase the firmness of the back and abdomen.

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