How to toilet train a spitz at home

How to toilet train a spitz at home

Toilet training is a long process. It takes about 4 months on average until the pet learns to go about its business in the litter box. To succeed in this business, the owner needs to be patient and start toilet training from early childhood.

How to toilet train a spitz at home: organizing space

To organize the space where the pet will go about his business, you will need disposable hygienic diapers and a tray with low sides. The first ones are needed to train the dog to walk in a specific place when needed, before a full-fledged toilet is put there. They absorb moisture well and do not let it through to the floor.

In the question of how to train a spitz to the toilet, the main thing is consistency and regularity.

In some cases, the help of a special litter trainer spray is required. They are sold at any pet store.

The toilet is organized in a secluded place, but always accessible to the dog. During training, it is important to ensure that the pet does not go out of the way on the carpet. The smell cannot be removed, and the dog will periodically shit on it, even if it gets used to the litter box.

How to train a spitz to the toilet: sequence of actions

If the dog was taken from owners who have already taught him how to walk in a litter box, it will be easier. As soon as the Spitz looks for a toilet seat (usually after sleeping or eating), it must be taken there. Then, when he’s finished, praise and treat him.

How to train a spitz to the toilet in several stages:

  1. At first, wherever the animal is most often, it is necessary to lay disposable diapers. In the place where he will go to the toilet more often, and he will have to organize it.
  2. A week after the pet has chosen a permanent place, a tray is placed there. For the first couple of days, you can put a small cloth soaked in the dog’s urine in it. So the pet will know that it is here that they relieve themselves. If the animal has chosen several places, trays must be placed in everything so that the Spitz gets used to them faster.
  3. After another week, all the diapers are removed. The floor must be thoroughly washed so that not even the smell of urine remains. A solution will help get rid of it perfectly: 1 tbsp. l. ammonia diluted in 5 liters of water.
  4. After another week, there should be only one place to relieve the need. If this place is inconvenient for the owners or the dog, then every 2 days you need to move the tray to the desired place. You cannot rearrange it right away, otherwise the pet simply will not understand why the toilet has disappeared and will not find it.

During toilet training, the behavior of the owner is important for the dog. Pets understand the intonation of a person, so for all the “mistakes” you need to pronounce “fu” in a strict tone or “good Spitz don’t do that.” Praise is also important if the four-legged friend went to the toilet in the right place. In addition to the approving exclamations of the Spitz, you need to caress and be sure to treat.

Raising a puppy is an important and lengthy process. Tray training should be consistent and regular. The owner must always adhere to the chosen tactics. If a spitz is scolded for puddles not on a diaper, then always. There should not be such that they are scolded today and not tomorrow. In this case, training will be useless.

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