How to tie up tomatoes outdoors
To ensure proper care of the crop and maintain yields, watering and loosening the soil alone is not enough; you need to know how to tie up tomatoes, what tools and methods exist for this. It is the garter that is designed to facilitate the cultivation of tomatoes and take care of the fruits.
How to tie up tomatoes outdoors?
Only those varieties of tomatoes that are tall and abundant fruitful need a garter. Low-growing and early-ripening crop varieties do not need additional support.
There are several ways to tie tomatoes
The support for the garter can be wooden pegs, metal rods, strong steel wire. The plant is tied to the support with a strong and wide dressing material, which, as the stem grows, will not be able to damage it, pull it over or cut it. The ideal option would be thick strips of fabric or nylon.
There are several ways to tie a garter:
- Individual peg for each plant. Having retreated from the main stem of the bush a few centimeters, so as not to damage the root system, you need to drive a stake 30 cm deep, leaving the same amount above the bush. Then loosely wrap the tomato stem with garter material, cross the free ends together and tie them to the support. As the bush grows, the strips of cloth or rope should be moved higher. There may be a need for several garters.
- Tapestries. This method is more time consuming, but reliable. Stakes are dug in along the tomato bed, between which a strong rope, wire or twine is fixed horizontally, in several rows. The distance between the rows is not more than 40 cm. As the plant grows, its stems are adjusted between the rows of garter material and fixed on it. If you use hooks, you can provide support for each stepson and fetus.
- Linear tapestries. In this case, stakes are also driven in along the bed, on top of which one row of wire is horizontally attached. From the wire to each bush, stretch wide pieces of strong fabric and fasten it at the base of the bush by the stem. As it grows, the bush will twine around the garter, striving upward.
The listed methods of creating a support for tomatoes can be used both for planting in open ground and in a greenhouse.
The benefits of tying tomato bushes are as follows:
- Exclusion of sagging and breakage of the stem under the weight of the fruit.
- Simplification of the pinning procedure.
- Simplification of watering at the root of the plant.
- Protection of fruits from ground pests, slugs, etc.
- Protection of fruits from late blight soil disease.
Having created a reliable support for tomato bushes, you can not only significantly simplify caring for them, but also protect the future crop from damage and pests.
Tying is easy, knowing the basic ways to tie tomatoes correctly and having inexpensive materials at your disposal. And the result will not keep you waiting and will delight you with the neat appearance of the garden.