How to teach your cat to follow commands

How to teach your cat to follow commands

It is believed that cats, unlike dogs, do not obey humans. This is refuted by the living example of Yuri Kuklachev. To understand how to teach a cat commands, you need to remember his rule: the animal is not ordered, they play with it.

How to teach a cat to follow commands: training principles

Before you start training and amaze guests with intelligent animals, it is important to follow the pet’s habits for a while. The owner should be well aware of all the habits of the cat. For example, if a pet likes to hide in boxes or bags, it is necessary to encourage this in every possible way and be sure to designate it with a certain verbal command.

According to Kuklachev, you can teach a cat commands by playing with it, and not by ordering

This should be done every time the cat climbs into the box. She climbed in, and immediately hears a special word from the owner and then receives a delicious treat. It should be noted that the word for the command can be any. Cats don’t understand their meanings. If, with every attempt to hide, she hears “die” or “air”, and then receives a treat, she will still understand that the owner approves of her action.

In the future, when a cat hears a familiar word, it will rush to the place where the box usually stands and hide in it.

It is very easy for cats to teach how to kiss the owner. By nature, cats are very curious animals. They are always sniffing. If the owner makes his lips with a tube, as for a kiss, and leans towards the pet, the cat will certainly reach with its nose to the lips. And if before that you say: “Kiss mommy”, then after a while the cat, having heard this phrase, will itself reach for the mistress for a kiss.

How to teach your cat the commands it needs

It has been proven that cats are able to memorize and memorize fifty human words. It is easy to check: it is enough to trace how the animal reacts to its nickname and other diminutive phrases. Knowing this, pets can be trained to the really necessary commands.

It is believed that cats are nocturnal creatures. Almost all of them, with the onset of darkness and silence in the house, begin to play, run and make noise. If this gets in the way, the cat can be put to bed with one command.

When the animal lays down next to the owner, he needs to stroke the pet and repeat the commands “sleep”, “hang up”, “bye-bye” several times. Already after 2 weeks of regular training, if the cat interferes at a certain moment, it will be enough for her to name only one “code” word, and she will begin to go to bed.

The same can be done with feeding. So that the animal does not ask for food at the wrong time, you can develop a regime. Every time the cat eats, you need to say: “Eat”; “Om-Nom-nom”; “Dinner”. And after a while, the pet will not get in the way of it ahead of time, but on command will fly to its bowls.

Any cat can be taught more than one dozen commands. The main thing is to have patience, tune in to a positive result and not skimp on rewards for the animal. Cats are self-sufficient animals, and therefore they can learn something only if they constantly hear the approval of their actions. If the cat feels that the owner is unhappy, the game will lose all meaning, and all training will go to waste.

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