Perhaps none of the parents will object to the assertion that the development of the child, his personal qualities are largely determined by the relationship that the child has with the people around him. In the same way, the attitude of children to their health largely depends on the immediate environment.
The reason for the formation of a certain attitude to health in a child is the adults themselves as carriers of certain physical and mental qualities. A person who himself does not look healthy or neglects his health cannot form the correct attitude towards health in a child.
A strict regime — the daily routine — is the most important prerequisite for high working capacity, good health and well-being. On this occasion, M. Prishvin wrote: «… not health itself gives longevity, but the correct use of it.»
As a result of numerous studies, scientists have found that dozens of processes occurring in the human body are subject to the daily rhythm. In the daytime, the most active parts of the autonomic nervous system (parts of the nervous system that regulate the activity of internal organs and circulatory systems, digestion, respiration, etc.)
For example, the features of the activity of the digestive organs are such that their maximum activity occurs between 12 and 14 hours of the day, therefore, during this period, the food eaten is better absorbed by the body.
Based on the foregoing, the following daily routine for students is proposed.
Awakening at 7-00 — 7-10. The abrupt transition from sleep to wakefulness can be very difficult for a fragile NS child, so some need to “roll” in bed. Immediately after the rise, it is desirable to visit the toilet. Next, the child makes his bed. If he does it vigorously enough, then 2-3 minutes is enough for him. Then you should perform morning exercises, for about 10 minutes. Washing, brushing teeth, changing clothes — all this should take about 20 minutes. Further, within 20-30 minutes the child has breakfast. This time is enough to clear the table and wash the dishes. The road to school takes him 10-30 minutes (depending on the place of residence). Classes at the school continue from 8-30 to 14-00. After school, the child goes home. 15-00 — 15-30 — lunch. After dinner, everyone needs to be in the fresh air, and not to prepare lessons, as many adults believe. During this period of time, you can visit various clubs and sports sections. From 17-00 to 19-00 you need to do your homework. Then dinner, from 19-00 to 19-30. Until 22-00 the child has free time with further preparation for sleep. Sleep from 22-00 to 7-00.
A child who performs a daily routine or tries to fulfill it needs at first, when a habit is being formed, praise from his parents. In the future, compliance with the daily routine should be perceived by parents and the child as a norm of behavior.
Speaking about the ways and methods of forming habits, it should be emphasized that they are brought up not so much by words as by deeds. Each indication of adults to the need to perform a particular action should be accompanied by an explanation of why it needs to be performed. All explanations should be as accessible and understandable to the child as possible.
Here are some tips for parents:
1) be attentive to the formation of figurative-verbal associations in children, especially those related to attitudes towards health,
2) remember that your physical disabilities, your attitude to health affect the child’s attitude to health,
3) the formation of safe behavior skills in children is facilitated by the upbringing of positive habits (brushing teeth, washing hands with soap, doing morning exercises, etc.).
4) remember that the praise of an adult is of great importance to consolidate the habit, it acts much more strongly than censure,
5) along with the formation of habits, instill in children a sense of duty, responsibility, humanity,
6) remember that you are the best example not only for your children, but also for others.
I would like to touch upon the problem of today — the harmful, negative habits of adults — smoking and the use and even abuse of alcoholic beverages, in particular — beer. Dear parents, we must start with ourselves. After all, the culture of drinking, as well as the style of behavior, are instilled in the family. It is interesting for a child to know what exactly adults drink from beautiful bottles, why they like it, why parents and guests, after drinking a couple of glasses, become cheerful, laugh and sing. He does not understand the reason for the ban. And he may begin to secretly imitate the elders. It is important to develop the right life attitudes in a child. He should not develop the false belief that alcohol helps solve problems, that it is a harmless way to improve mood and an indispensable attribute of any holiday.
In order for the child to understand how dangerous alcohol is, he needs to be told about it. Children need to know that alcohol at their age can cause vomiting, indigestion, headache, reduce attention, impair memory.
If you want your children not to get into an unpleasant story, try to communicate with them more: listen carefully, discuss their problems, ask about friends. When the child comes home, be interested in where he was, what he saw, with whom he spent time, what he liked. With the help of unobtrusive monitoring of the child’s behavior, you can notice the slightest changes in his behavior, and a trusting relationship will help you find out what is happening to him in time and take the necessary measures.
So that the child does not have time for idleness, try to captivate him with sports, dancing, music, tourism, etc. Take the whole family to nature. Get a pet. Let the child, taking care of him, understand what responsibility is.
If you suspect that the child is not all right, observe the state in which he comes home. Bad mood, melancholy, anxiety or irritability, feelings of guilt and inferiority, loss of interest in learning indicate that you need to urgently seek advice from a psychologist or psychiatrist-narcologist. Just in no case do not threaten the child, do not humiliate him. The child needs to be prepared for a meeting with specialists, convincing him that you only wish him well, love him, are ready to help him, and together it will be easier to overcome the losing streak.