How to teach a child to write beautifully, competently neatly class
Despite the spread of computer technology, the question of how to teach a child to write beautifully remains relevant for parents. After all, calligraphic handwriting and competent speech distinguish an educated person. In addition, for the clumsy letters, the teacher has the right to lower the grade for the assignment.
How to teach to write beautifully and accurately
Reading is not so difficult for first grade students. But there are problems with the letter. Besides, the time of lessons for working out handwriting is sorely lacking. Therefore, parents have to improve their first graders’ skills at home.
To teach your child to write beautifully, do the exercises in a playful way.
Children are happy to do what they are interested in. Therefore, it is worth convincing the child that he wants to write accurately. For motivation, tell him a story about letters living in a magical land that cannot be found by a friend due to the fact that the child wrote them incorrectly. How to improve your handwriting:
- Exercise with a smile, and don’t make it a chore.
- Explain to your child what oblique lines are for in a notebook. Have him draw a few lines next to them.
- Start not with letters, but with parts: ovals, circles, hooks.
- Pay attention to the child that each letter starts from a specific point.
- Hold the sample letters in front of your child’s eyes so they can see how to write them.
- Take your time to learn a new letter until your child begins to accurately write the previous one.
- Start with words as you master the alphabet.
- Don’t forget to master the numbers.
- Praise your child for every lucky letter.
And, most importantly, train as often as possible. After all, writing skills are consolidated only by constant exercises.
We teach the child to write correctly
So that the first grader does not make mistakes, explain to him the rules of the Russian language. After all, memorizing does not help. To consolidate knowledge, write a lot and regularly. First, rewrite fairy tales or stories from a book, and only then start dictating.
Teach your baby to pronounce words before writing. Let him do it out loud at home, and in the classroom at school – to himself.
It has been proven that the more often a person reads, the more literate he writes. Therefore, introduce your kid to the world of books. Also, develop your child’s mindfulness. This will help you avoid mistakes.
Teaching a child to write accurately and beautifully is not so difficult. The main thing is to be patient and help the baby get used to writing. But in order to achieve results, you need to exercise regularly, and not from time to time. Therefore, exercise at least every other day.