How to teach a child to write a dictation independently, beautifully, quickly: literacy
If a child constantly makes mistakes on a dictation, parents and teachers force him to cram the rules, endlessly rewrite texts. However, this usually does not make the baby write better. Learn how to teach your child to write a dictation if he constantly makes mistakes.
Why does a child forget about literacy when he writes on his own
A child writes illiterately not because he is lazy or silly. This is most likely due to a problem called dysgraphia. It occurs in about 30% of schoolchildren. No matter how much they memorize the rules, they fail to apply them in practice.
How to teach a child to write a dictation so that he does not make mistakes
Take a look at your child’s exercise book to see if they have dysgraphia. Such children usually skip letters or do not complete words. They often have rather ridiculous mistakes, for example, in stressed syllables. Also, such children confuse syllables in places, write letters and numbers in the wrong direction, do not use the letters “e” and “b”.
In addition, one of the main signs of dysgraphia is sloppiness in a notebook. The child leaves the fields and moves off the lines, forgets to put spaces between words and periods at the end of sentences. It incorrectly wraps words from line to line and starts sentences with a lowercase letter.
If a child does not have dysgraphia, it is possible that he is simply inattentive, or something else prevents him from writing well. Try to help him.
How to teach a child to write correctly, beautifully and quickly
Here are some play activities to help your child.
- If skips letters. Read a short sentence to your child. He must first write it down using dotted lines instead of syllables and then dots instead of letters.
- If he doesn’t add the ending. Tell the child a word, then ask him to name another word that begins with the penultimate (last, second, etc.) letter of your word.
- If he forgets the rules. Here you need to train your memory. Let the children sit in a circle, choose an animal and a gesture that displays it. All children should show their gestures and remember each other’s gestures. Next, you need to ask to repeat the gestures of certain players.
- If he makes mistakes in vocabulary words. Ask your child to come up with funny or fabulous stories with the words you give him. When you give your child a word, pronounce it clearly and in syllables, for example, ko-ro-va.
Do the exercises described regularly, but try to make the child perceive them as a game, do not force him to exercise through force.
Let the child study with you. If he writes illiterately, help him.