How to teach a child to walk independently, without support and quickly
If the baby is already confidently standing on its legs, it’s time to decide how to teach the child to walk on their own. Each child has a different pace of development, but it is quite possible to help him walk more confidently.
How to prepare your child for the first steps
Special exercises will strengthen the muscles of the back and legs of the baby, he will stand more firmly on his legs and will fall less often. Jumping on the spot perfectly trains muscles. Children are very fond of jumping on their mother’s lap, so you should not deny them this pleasure.
Supported walking is the main way to teach your child to walk independently.
If the child is confidently standing, holding on to the support, you can begin to walk with support. How can this be organized:
- Use special “reins” or a long towel passed through the baby’s chest and armpits.
- Buy a toy that you can push while leaning on it.
- Drive the baby by holding two hands.
Not all children like the reins, if the baby refuses to wear such an accessory, you should not force him, so as not to discourage the desire to train in walking. Most often, mother’s hands become a universal simulator. Most toddlers are ready to walk all day long. However, the mother’s back usually does not stand this and the question arises of how to teach the child to walk on his own without support.
During this period, walkers may seem to be a salvation. Of course, they have advantages – the child moves independently, and the mother’s hands are freed. However, walkers should not be abused, because the child sits in them and only pushes off the floor with his feet. It is easier than learning to walk and learning to walk can take a long time.
How to quickly teach a child to walk on their own
When the baby is standing near the support, offer him a favorite toy or something tasty. But at such a distance that it was necessary to break away from the support and take at least a step to reach the goal. This method will require the help of a second parent or older child. One adult should support the standing child from the back under the armpits.
Mom stands in front of him and holds out her arms. To reach the mother, the baby himself must take a couple of steps, freeing himself from the support from behind.
You need to be ready to pick up the falling child so that he does not get scared.
It is necessary to actively encourage the child to walk, vigorously rejoicing in his successes. Praise is the most effective stimulus for further endeavor. And there is no need to be upset if everything does not work out as quickly as mom and dad want. In due time, the baby will definitely begin to walk on his own. In the end, not a single healthy child remained a “slider” forever, everyone began to walk sooner or later.