How to teach a child to say the letter w: homework, pronounce hissing

How to teach a child to say the letter w: homework, pronounce hissing

Often children do not pronounce the sound “sh” or pronounce it incorrectly. In this case, lessons with a speech therapist are necessary, he knows exactly how to teach a child to say the letter “w”. But if the mother has the desire and time, she can deal with the child at home on her own.

Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus

With the correct pronunciation of the sound “sh”, the tongue should occupy a certain position in the mouth. It is spread wide, and the tip is raised to the hard palate, and forms a gap with it behind the upper teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper incisors.

How to teach a child to say the letter “w” at home – do gymnastics with him for the tongue

If the baby cannot pronounce the sound correctly, articulatory gymnastics is needed. For homework, special exercises are used that train the speech apparatus. The child should do them in front of the mirror to see how he succeeds in repeating what the mother shows:

  • “Fence” – the kid must close his teeth and show his mother what kind of “fence” he got;
  • “Tube” – the child pulls his lips forward with a tube, then quickly alternates between the “tube” and “fence” exercises;
  • “Lazy tongue” – the tongue must be pushed out of the mouth and put on the lower lip, while completely relaxing;
  • “Scoop” – we bend the relaxed tongue up and start it behind the upper teeth, blow on it, and the sound “w” is obtained.

In addition to these basic exercises, you can use others. When the child will easily and correctly repeat all the tasks, they move on to setting the sound “sh”.

Classes for setting the sound “sh”

You cannot do without a game in teaching a kid. First you need to check attentiveness and clarity of perception. Pronounce in random order the words with and without the letter “w”. Invite your child to clap his hands when he hears words that include the sound “sh”.

Be sure to praise your baby for his success.

Ask your child to draw a hissing snake with his hand, which should go through the drawn maze to the goal.

Remember together where else you can hear hissing sounds – the rustling of fallen leaves under your feet, the hissing of a cat, the rustle of a frightened mouse, the rustle of leaves in the wind.

To consolidate the sound, use syllables and words first, and then tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, and catchphrases. Pictures depicting objects with the letter “sh” in their names will be of great help in automating pronunciation.

You need to start learning the correct pronunciation of the sound “sh” with articulation exercises. Then, with the help of games and exercises, you can consolidate the achieved result.

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