How to teach a child to read by syllables at home quickly, correctly
Let’s figure out how to teach a child to read syllables. It is not difficult. This skill will help him prepare for school and instill a love of literature.
When to start learning to read at home
The development of children is now fashionable. Mothers try to teach their babies to read as early as 2-3 years old. However, experts agree that this is too early. At this age, the child has to learn a lot of things in the world that surrounds him.
How to teach a child to read syllables quickly and without nerves
Up to 3 years old, a child can see a letter in a picture and distinguish it. This gives the parents false hopes. Putting two pictures with letters into a syllable for a crumb is still an impossible task.
It is believed that the optimal age for learning to read is 4-5 years, but each child is different, so there is no exact figure. Teach your baby to read when he already speaks well, does not lisp, pronounces all the letters, does not miss sounds. Also, the child must be able to focus on one thing for 15-20 minutes, otherwise science will not work.
How to cope with a task quickly and correctly
Here are some tips to help you:
- Choose a good study guide. For example, Zhukov’s primer will do.
- Learn the letters in the correct order – consonants first, then voiced vowels, and finally voiceless and hissing consonants.
- Review the material covered in the previous lessons in each lesson.
- After letters and sounds, move on to syllables. First, learn simple two-letter syllables, where the vowel comes after the consonant, let the child figure out the algorithm for constructing them. Dedicate at least a few days to this.
- Move on to more complex syllables, such as those with a vowel in front of a consonant.
- After the syllables, start learning the first simple words, for example, ma-ma, ra-ma, mo-lo, etc.
- Pay attention to your pronunciation from the very beginning. Do not memorize words in a chant. For example, children often in one breath pronounce the popular phrase from the primer – “ma-ma-we-la-ra-mu.” Sometimes they even try to read the entire paragraph in one breath. Control the pauses between words and between sentences.
- Conduct your classes playfully and without nerves. Do not yell at your baby if he often makes mistakes and memorizes information too slowly.
If you strictly follow all the rules and practice regularly, the child will learn to read in 1,5-2 months.
Create an atmosphere at home where your little one will love books. Read it yourself – this will set a good example for your child. In families where parents do not read themselves, children are also not very interested in books. Looking at you, he will also want to learn how to read.