How to teach a child to memorize readings quickly
To quickly memorize the information read is a skill that is sure to come in handy for every student. When trying to develop memory for their child, parents often make mistakes. To avoid them, you just need to adhere to some rules.
How to teach a child to remember – we train memory
Children at school receive a lot of different information. All of it must be quickly memorized and reproduced. So that you do not have to just memorize the educational material, it is worth developing the student’s memory.
Memory development is a quick way to teach your child to memorize what they read.
To train your memory, you can use the following techniques:
- associative row;
- highlighting key points;
- drawing up an algorithm.
The associative array technique develops figurative memory and creative thinking. The child is given the task – in the process of reading new material, mentally associate unfamiliar words with something understandable. Then the student will be able to quickly reproduce the information by remembering the association.
Highlighting key points, the child learns to work with the text, analyze it. You only need to remember important information that makes sense. Thus, the amount of material for memorization is reduced and the time spent on it is reduced.
Algorithm compilation is necessary to improve the understanding of the text. Using a simple diagram, you can display the principles of work of objects, mechanisms, features of phenomena or other patterns. Remembering the algorithm, the child can easily reproduce all the material on the topic. In doing so, he will spend a minimum of time.
Possible mistakes during memory training
If parents are wondering how to teach a child to quickly memorize the information read, then first of all they need to take into account his abilities and interests. You cannot demand from children knowledge or skills that do not correspond to their age.
Often, parents, trying to help a child, raise their voices and scream. This behavior negatively affects the desire to learn. Therefore, adults must be patient and tolerant of childhood mistakes.
Remember, children can easily perceive what interests them. To memorize, choose information that matches their hobbies.
It is worth developing memory gradually. You cannot immediately charge a child with a large amount of new information. It is necessary to divide the material into parts and make intervals for rest between the periods of training.
Knowing how to teach a child to memorize what he read can help him significantly improve his academic performance. It is important that parents begin to develop the student’s memory and attention in a timely manner.