
Question: if parents do exercises every day, will the child also start doing it?


Unfortunately, this is not obvious. If there were at least some rules in education that would work 100%, then you understand, you would not be sitting here, and I would choose another profession. Everything would be like three pennies. But the chances are much greater for children and I know from my own that they sometimes even mow down or do not give in. But if you remember yourself at this age: everything is easy for them. They can get out of bed in the morning and touch the floor with their nose or ear. And they don’t understand why they need to do warm-ups before sports exercises and so on and so forth. And when they are told to tilt three times, in the pioneer camp it seems that adults suffer from garbage, why drive with pens. It is already after fifty that you understand that it turns out that bending over is not as easy as it was at fifteen. But they still fit in anyway.

I would do it like this: sometime in the background I would do it myself and with joy. It is difficult to interest a person in something that you yourself do not like. But if I do it with joy, then from time to time I would still push the child, force me, just to develop a habit. And even, maybe, sometimes I didn’t force it. So I know from my own experience, my parents did not exercise regularly, but they did. Nobody called me to him, and I just woke up as I wanted. But these pictures just come to life, and from a certain moment I began to do exercises myself. Again, no one forced me. Well, here are these pictures that come from childhood, that this is normal. Brushing your teeth is normal, doing exercises is normal. They pop up at some point, become active.

​​​​​​​Again, I don’t think this will work for everyone. Therefore, sometimes I would simply force the children by force, because we need to be prepared that any living creature has a certain acceleration path, and during this path it will resist. He will slow down, shout, what idiotic ideas: all your life you went to bed at so much, and now you are talking earlier or later. All my life I’ve been getting up at so-and-so, and now you say earlier or later. I never did my homework, and now you force me out of the blue. Here you just need to be calm, because sometimes loved ones arrange such outbursts of resistance that people who are not prepared get lost and say, “I didn’t think it was so important to you.” Get lost and brake it. No, you don’t have to slow down, these are the rules of your family, and the children need to learn this just like the fact that in the morning everyone wash their face and go to work, some to school. Demanding is normal.

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