Don’t be shy about the toilet theme when it comes to baby. The pot is an important stage in the formation of the baby, and the task of each parent is to gently and painlessly teach the baby to use it. This new item can scare a child, go unnoticed, or become an everyday attribute of a child’s life. Woman’s Day gives some tips on how to make potty friends with your toddler.
Based on the experiences of many moms, early potty training is not a myth. Holding your baby over a bathtub, sink or potty can be started at birth. In the first year of life, going to the toilet occurs at a reflex level. Parents simply accompany the child’s urination process with characteristic sounds that everyone knows from childhood, and wait for the baby to do everything necessary. Over time, the child gets used to this and, hearing the usual mother’s “ah-ah”, easily does all his business.
But some children, having matured, continue to go to the toilet to the “familiar music”, which already looks somewhat strange. This method is effective, but it is better for unhurried parents to wait until the son or daughter is psychologically mature and consciously familiar with the pot.
If the baby is one and a half years old, then this most likely means that he is ready to start going to the toilet, and not to a diaper. The young discoverer already physically feels the urges and can begin to control them. At this moment, you need to competently and carefully push him to the pot.
Presenting a pot in the form of a game to a child will be the most painless. You can choose a pot together in the store, the baby should like it visually. When buying, pay attention to the shape of the children’s toilet. Boys are more suitable oval, girls – round. Otherwise, the flight of your imagination when choosing is limitless. A pot in the form of a throne, with or without a lid, with built-in color music, in the shape of an animal, a transforming pot – what modern manufacturers have not come up with to conquer the market.
Fortunately, cold enamelled night vases are a thing of the past, which means that the child’s risk of discomfort when meeting a pot is minimal. After you explain to the kid why an unfamiliar object has appeared in his room, show, using your favorite toy as an example, how this device works. If fear and suspicion changes to curiosity, gently put the child on the potty. Not everyone succeeds the first time, the regime is important here. The best time to pot is before and after sleeping, eating, and walking.
Is the child still crying and indignant, refusing to spend time in the pot? Try to buy another model. If after that it still does not work out, it is worth postponing it for a while. Apparently, the baby does not yet understand what adults want from him. The main thing is not to insist, later because of this psychological problems may arise.
Undoubtedly, the diaper is a great invention of mankind. More than one generation of children has already grown up who have ceased to feel discomfort from wet diapers and diapers. Pampers greatly facilitated childcare, and the baby himself ceased to consider going to the toilet unloved and uncomfortable. But for a child to learn to walk on the potty on his own, he just needs to feel what it is like to walk in wet clothes.
It is better to start giving up diapers at home. Be patient and stock up on napkins. The baby will not walk for a long time with wet pants. The child will only need a few days to adjust and change the diaper to the potty.
Walking and sleeping will be more difficult. It is better to go outside without a diaper in the warm season, when the baby will have the opportunity to retire. But a spare set of clothes will not be superfluous. During sleep, the little one can lie on a waterproof diaper. And don’t give him a lot of fluids at night. Gradually, he will begin to control urges and will ask for a potty.
The main thing in this matter is patience. Do not swear at the child if he did not manage to warn you in time.
However, there are situations when the baby flatly refuses to go to the potty. I myself found myself in this position. During the year, the pots were changed, planted regularly, went around the house without a diaper – all to no avail. The son did not agree to sit on the pot in any way. And he could do business anywhere, just not in the destination. The solution to the problem was a toilet bowl and a special child seat. The child loved going to the toilet like an adult so much that it took him literally one day to get used to it.