In conversations, the term “global warming” comes up more and more often … Why do we say that the Earth is warming? What is the greenhouse effect, biodiversity? What can we do, concretely, to try to reverse the trend? Here are some ideas to help us talk about it with our children.
Bring up the subject at the right time
No need to go into a big explanation on the melting of glaciers at snack time or cartoons. Better seize the opportunity when information comes into the conversation via a book, a film, a TV show or a remark from a loved one on the out of order thermometer… And this from the age of 5-6 years.
Explain global warming simply
“We can start by explaining that the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, which makes it possible to retain heat on the surface of our planet and therefore the installation of life on earth”, suggests Maëla Lévigne, geological engineer. Then it must be explained that this warming has accelerated a lot for 150 years with the development of industrial and transport activities that emit CO2, a gas that increases the greenhouse effect and therefore the temperature on Earth.
Make the link with climate disasters
“The increase in heat disrupts the climate (temperatures, wind, currents, rain)”, simply answers the expert. This is at the origin of the increase in extreme weather phenomena such as storms, floods, forest fires (dried-up plants ignite more quickly under the effect of the wind), but also the melting ice. at the level of the poles and mountainous regions. To illustrate the process, nothing beats concrete experiences to do at home or in scientific workshops. “Melting an ice cube in a glass of water illustrates the melting of icebergs on the oceans. This can be compared with the melting of an ice cube placed on a fork placed over a glass of water, which will then overflow and show the increase in sea level during the melting of the ice present on Earth ”, suggests the specialist.
Evoke the animal world
Many children have seen the images of koalas in wildfires in Australia, or are sensitive to endangered species like polar bears, whales. “We can explain that when environments such as ice floes or forests are destroyed by climate disturbances, some animal species cannot adapt and lose their place of life and their food, ”summarizes the geologist.
Find the words to reassure, without lying
Maëla Lévigne gives us the right words: “We must insist on the need to slow down this warming (although it’s hard to reverse it) and the fact that nothing says life on Earth is going to disappear. The planet is always adapting to climate change. This one is more important than the preceding ones and it is necessary to gain time to allow the man to change his way of life, and the scientists to find solutions ”.
Allow children to become agents of this change
“Everyone can act on their own scale. Even a small action will have an impact, by becoming a reflex or a source of inspiration for loved ones, ”assures the scientist. Examples of small challenges to take up at home to reduce your CO2 consumption: walking or riding a bike to go to school (instead of the car), taking a shower rather than a bath, switching off the light. their room, choosing to eat seasonal foods, making their own snacks rather than buying them ready-made in packaging… These are all simple things the whole family can proudly adopt.
* Interactive museum