How to take your medicine correctly – 5 simple rules

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers of the site “Ladies-Gentlemen”! In the article “How to Take Your Medicine Correctly – 5 Simple Rules” You Should Know About Taking Prescription and OTC Drugs.

How to take medication

1. Check your medications

Check your medicines before leaving the pharmacy. The study found that 7,5% of handwritten recipes contained errors.

2. Pay attention to the composition of the medicine

For example, you bought paracetamol over-the-counter to relieve a cold without thinking that the same substance is found in the cough medicine you are taking. The result is an overdose that can damage the liver.

3. Take penicillin with “live yogurt”

The doctor who prescribes antibiotics may not tell you that these drugs have side effects, including diarrhea and thrush. Trouble can be avoided by eating at least 2 cups of “live yogurt” daily during antibiotic treatment.

The beneficial bacteria contained in it restore the intestinal microflora, disturbed as a result of treatment.

4. Don’t stop halfway

Studies have shown that patients who take pills and potions appropriately are less likely to develop complications of the disease than those who have taken the medication irregularly on their own.

5. “Measure once …”

More often than not, people do not know how to correctly measure the dose of medicine using a regular teaspoon. A teaspoon does not hold 5 ml of liquid, so you need to replace it with a syringe or a special medical spoon.

About the benefits of water

Everyone knows about the benefits of water – it is the elixir of life. Drinking just five glasses of water a day, especially if you’re over 65, can help reduce your risk of falls, constipation, coronary heart disease, and even bladder cancer (in men).

A convenient way to get enough water per day is to fill a large jug (about 2-1,5 liters) with water. During the day, periodically pour into a glass and drink. Try to empty the pitcher before bed. Get started today! It’s so simple and very important for your body.

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