How to take care of your spine

Do we really know how important the spine is? Are we aware of how vulnerable he is to deformation and injuries? Most of us remember our parents’ comments: don’t slouch, sit up straight! Hardly any child listens to it. And it should, because the effects of adopting a bad posture are not immediate, but they will certainly make themselves felt.

The main functions of the spine are keeping our body upright and protecting the spinal cord. In the course of evolution, the spine has adapted to carry heavy loads. The neutral position for the spine is standing. Then, the physiological curves are preserved, i.e. lordosis in the lumbar and cervical sections and kyphosis in the thoracic section. Maintaining the physiological curves causes the pressure force on the intervertebral disc, i.e. the disc, to be evenly distributed.

Why does it hurt?

Back pain is a very common problem in highly civilized societies. It is mainly caused by sitting for too long. The time of daily activity, from getting up to going to bed, is usually 8-13 hours spent in chairs and armchairs. When sitting improperly, the lumbar spine is as bent as it is when leaning forward. The many hours spent in this position cause the static pressure to push the intervertebral disc back towards the spinal cord and nerve roots. Which in effect causes sudden pain, usually caused by a slow ejection of the disc.


Whenever back pain occurs, you should see a doctor. The doctor may refer you for a consultation to a physiotherapist who will conduct an interview and functional examination during the visit. The therapist tries to locate the problem areas and, using appropriate manual techniques, eliminate the dysfunction or lead to the disk reposition. Finally, it gives recommendations on what further steps should be taken for a complete improvement.


Rehabilitation treatments can restore our fitness, but it requires a lot of time and patience, so it’s best to take care of your spine in advance. Since it is already known that it was created to move and suffers from inactivity, then you need to create an opportunity to move, it can be yoga, Pilates, running, swimming or Nordic walking. It is important to choose an activity that will be fun for us – then there is a chance that we will not abandon it after a few days. If we move regularly, the spine will most likely cope with the daily loads on its own.

Treatments used in the rehabilitation of the spine

If the pain prevents you from being active, it is imperative that you undergo surgery to restore your fitness. Your doctor can refer you to the one that is most appropriate for you.

Laser – laser radiation energy has a biostimulating effect, leads to the normalization and regeneration of cell membranes of diseased tissues. It stimulates the body to produce painkillers and accelerates tissue healing.

Cryotherapy – it is a treatment in which cold (-75 ° C) is used as a therapeutic agent. Cryotherapy has an analgesic and anti-swelling effect, and reduces muscle tension.

Ultrasounds – the treatment uses ultrasound waves that cause specific thermal, mechanical and physicochemical reactions in the tissues. Ultrasounds also relieve pain, reduce muscle tension, dilate blood vessels, and inhibit inflammatory processes.

Magnetotherapy – a treatment in which a pulsating magnetic field of low frequency is used for treatment. It is the only treatment that works on very deep tissues. Magnetic field therapy is safe and may play an important role in the comprehensive treatment process.

Elektrotherapy – a whole group of treatments where a constant or alternating current of different frequency and pulse shape is used for treatment. This group of treatments includes TENS currents (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), diadynamic currents (DD), galvanization, interference currents, and iontophoresis. Depending on the type, they act: hyperemic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing the tissues. The treatments are aimed at supporting the improvement process.

  1. Read more about spine treatments

The spine and everyday activities – interesting facts

1. It is better to push than pull

When pushing a heavy object, we use the strength of the legs, arms and back. While pulling, we stand and pull the weight, the legs do not work, we put a lot of strain on the spine, which additionally takes an unnatural position.

2. Iron with the support

The best position is when you stand with one leg supported on a low chair or other support. The ironing board should be adjustable in height. Even when ironing in the right position and with the board at the right height, remember to take at least 10 minutes’ break every hour.

3. A clean floor and… conscience

When vacuuming, sweeping and mopping the floor, the spine often rebels, making itself felt with pain. We know we’re putting a strain on it, but we clean it up anyway. You have to finish what you started, of course, but wisely. When vacuuming or sweeping, an upright position, without bending over, is best. When we have to bend down, we should often change the hand we are working with, do not kneel on one knee, but on both, and use shock-absorbing knee pads.

4. High heels

Shoes with high heels adversely affect the movement system. They cause shortening of the calf muscles and thickening and stiffening of the Achilles tendon, they put a lot of stress on the ankle and knee joints, which leads to stress and pain in the lumbar spine. If you don’t want to give up high heels, stretch your calf muscles and Achilles tendon frequently;

Stand in a lunge in front of a wall or behind a chair, lean your hands against the wall or back of the chair, the back leg should be straight, shift your weight to the front leg, forward until you feel a stretch in the calf muscle of the back leg. Hold this position for about 15-20 seconds. The optimal heel height is 2,5-4 cm. It turns out that a slight heel lift has a beneficial effect on the pelvic floor muscles.

5. Injury without accident

Some people spend hours behind the wheel, but even driving to work every day can contribute to back problems. So we should know how to adjust the seat:

– the angle between the thighs and lower legs as well as the thighs and torso must be the same, preferably 110-130 degrees;

– hands must be freely stretched, while holding the steering wheel, the angle in the elbow joint should be approx. 30-45 degrees;

– the headrest is to provide cervical support;

– the backrest of the chair should provide support for the lumbar region, with the buttocks pressed back against the chair.

Dominika Chruścielewska

Physiotherapist, PROFEMED Sport and Rehabilitation – LUX MED Group

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