How to take care of your skin at night?

The beauty of the skin during the day is largely determined by how we care for it in the evening and at night. To maintain youth and health, it is important to develop a number of habits, acquire the necessary cosmetics and, most importantly, treat evening care as an important business meeting – responsibly and seriously.

Through the efforts of scientists, we have learned that during the day the skin is in constant danger. The sun’s rays age it, tap water dries it, city air oxidizes it, wrong food and bad habits poison it. Because of all this, every day we would lose several years of youth. If not for the night, this time of day, like a magic wand, eliminates the consequences of daytime aggression.

It is at night that positive processes take place in the body: cells multiply, disorders are corrected, toxins are eliminated, tension subsides, diseases are cured. With one condition: at this time you need to sleep. And not just for relaxing. Lack of sleep ages the skin stronger than ultraviolet radiation. Its cells can be renewed and restored only while we are in the arms of Morpheus – the body produces the necessary substances and hormones. As soon as we open our eyes, these processes slow down or stop.

Now consider this: Over the past century, sleep time has decreased by 20%. Despite the fact that the working year has increased by almost a month! That is, we sleep 2 hours less than necessary. So at night, skin cells work in emergency mode, trying to repair the damage received during the day. And our task is to provide them with the necessary assistance in the form of well-chosen care.

Cleansing Secrets

The fact that the skin needs to be thoroughly cleansed before going to bed, we hear from young nails. Another thing is how pedantically we follow this prescription. Unlike the girls of Japan and Korea, who from childhood saw how their mothers put oil, mousse, lotion on their faces step by step in the evenings, most of us did not have such an example. According to research by the Vichy brand, in Asia, the girl’s beauty arsenal is 7-8 products. In Europe – 4-5. And Russian women use an average of 2-3 products for the face, one of which is cleansing.

Make it a habit to cleanse your skin and apply night products first when you get home.

You can talk about the economic situation as much as you like, but this is no reason to give up on yourself. Moreover, appearance today largely determines the swiftness of a career. Therefore, there should be at least three cleansers in the arsenal: a mousse for washing, an eye makeup remover and a tonic. Of course, ideally – more milk, oil and some gadget-brush.

As for the micellar water that is fashionable today, it cannot be replaced by a full-fledged skin cleansing. It is impossible to guarantee that a cotton pad will wipe off all the micelles with impurities attracted to them from your face. And if you leave them on the skin, the effectiveness of subsequent care will decrease. So after micellar water you need to wash your face. Better mousse or foam. And start night care.

What is the advantage of “night” care products?

According to our biorhythms, the activation of skin cells begins around 8 pm. And it stops at 4 am. Therefore, the ancient principle of going to bed and getting up with roosters, as well as the saying: “An hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two after,” are true. But, let’s be realistic, going to bed so early today is unrealistic. But apply the cream – completely. Let him at least work. If you do this just before bedtime, precious time will be lost.

Early in the morning, regardless of what time you went to bed, the body will begin to produce hormones that mobilize protective functions. Cell division will stop and the full potential of the cream will not be used. In addition, the skin needs a period to absorb all the substances and turn them on. Make it a habit to cleanse your skin and apply your nightly products first when you get home. Unlike day, they do not contain protective substances – only active ingredients.

That is why such products are very effective. Especially if you use the cream in a duet with serum. These active concentrates enhance the work of night creams and help to target a number of problems. For example, enhance the removal of toxins, activate the production of collagen, reduce the production of melanin. In addition, serums have a high concentration of water-soluble substances that cannot “get along” with cream lipids. And often these components have a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

Leadership among these “night snipers” is firmly held by retinol – a pure form of vitamin A. It helps the skin to effectively renew itself and regulates the production of melanin. Retinol is the number one anti-aging substance, but it is unstable and breaks down in the light. Therefore, he reveals his talents regarding the skin only after sunset.

Does your skin need an overnight face mask?

Recently, a new category of care has appeared – night masks. In fact, these are the same creams, but with a richer composition and texture. Manufacturers advise to apply them in a thick layer, go to bed calmly, and contemplate the unearthly beauty in the morning. But practice has shown that, despite all the promises, most of these drugs leave unappetizing traces on the pillow. And the face, “buried” under a thick layer of the product for the whole night, often swells. Therefore, before going to bed, blot the skin with a napkin, giving it the opportunity to “breathe”. After all, constant puffiness gradually stretches the skin, breaking the oval of the face and provoking bags under the eyes. If, after applying the cream, lightly press on the bridge of the nose, the points at the wings of the nose, the chin fossa and the back of the head, then the risk of swelling will be minimized.

Using a textile eye mask

If, after hard work in the office, the eyes are tired and ache, soothe them with compresses from decoctions of chamomile, linden, verbena or green tea. Don’t even have the strength for that? Moisten cotton pads with an eyelid cleanser and apply to your eyes for a couple of minutes – there are many soothing substances that will help relieve tension. And train yourself to sleep with an eye mask on.

This is not about cosmetic patches, which, of course, are beautiful, but about textile, preferably satin, masks. Why are they good? First, hidden from the environment, the eyelids relax better. Secondly, the mask creates the optimal temperature for the components of the cream.

Thirdly, “live” silk will not interfere with skin breathing. Fourth, morning light will not cause the reflex squinting that causes wrinkles. And fifth, the youth hormone melatonin is produced in the dark. Therefore, by additionally closing your eyes, you will deceive the body, which will not stop the synthesis of this substance with the first rays of the sun.

There are many more rituals that should be done before going to bed. Take a bath with relaxing salt. Anoint the body with cream or lotion, nails with oil, eyelashes with a firming base, hair with a night serum, and a pillow (preferably blue-violet) with a lulling spray. Do breathing exercises, drink herbal tea, turn on the relaxation program on your iPhone … There are plenty of ways and means that promise to make beauty brighter, youth longer, and Morpheus’s hugs are stronger today. The main thing is to stop in time so that the preparation for sleep does not become longer than he himself.

Kiehl’s Night Mask Cilantro&Orange Extract Pollutant Defending Masque

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