How to take care of your liver when you take a lot of medications?

The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. Responsible for cleansing it of all toxins. The liver filters substances that affect the functioning of other organs and gets rid of them from the body. Its proper functioning is very important to maintain good health. Taking medications may interfere with its effect. How to take care of the liver in this case? What can be done to keep it running smoothly despite pharmacotherapy?

  1. Long-term medication has a comparable effect on the liver as alcohol abuse
  2. Certain medications – when used regularly and in larger amounts – can even lead to cirrhosis of the liver
  3. However, there are ways to protect the liver from the harmful effects of drugs
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Why is the liver important

The liver is one of the largest organs in the human body. It accounts for as much as 5 percent. body weight. It is part of the digestive system. Most of its surface is on the right side of the human body, just below the right ribs. Its position changes during breathing because it is partly connected to the diaphragm. The structure of the liver is not complicated. The authority in approx. 80 percent. consists of liver cells – hepatocytes. They produce the bile needed to remove toxins from the body.

What is the function of the liver

The liver is an organ without which the human body would not be able to fully function. It takes part in many important processes and has several basic tasks to fulfill:

  1. produces bile (about 1 liter a day) to digest fats
  2. stores supplies of vitamins (mainly A, D3, B2, B3, B4, B12, K) and iron,
  3. metabolizes carbohydrates,
  4. it catches harmful metabolites and transforms them so that they are easy to excrete,
  5. filters the blood, getting rid of unnecessary red blood cells and ammonia,
  6. neutralizes viruses and bacteria,
  7. regulates the amount of blood circulating in the body.

The rest of the article under the video.

When the liver is functioning properly

A properly functioning liver keeps the body in good health. You do not feel fatigue or apathy, you are less prone to depression. This organ supports memory and concentration. A healthy liver does not cause pain or other digestive symptoms – anorexia, indigestion, flatulence or nausea. The liver can be damaged during pharmacotherapy, so it is worth knowing which drugs have the worst effect on it and how to support it.

Liver and drugs

Sometimes there is no way out and you have to take many medications as prescribed by your doctor. These drugs eliminate disease symptoms, but their effect on the liver does not go unnoticed. The overloaded liver works worse. There may be steatings or enlargements. An enlarged liver is one of the first symptoms of liver failure. Some groups of drugs pose the greatest danger to this organ:

  1. antibiotics
  2. painkillers,
  3. hormonal drugs,
  4. drugs to lower blood cholesterol.

Research indicates that paracetamol is the most hepatotoxic drug. The permitted daily dose for an adult is considered to be 4000 mg. When taking preparations from the list or others for a long time, it is worth asking your doctor for a referral for liver tests that will exclude any abnormalities. If an abnormality occurs, your doctor will be able to prevent your liver from worsening. You can buy the liver package, i.e. a set of diagnostic tests to check its condition, at Medonet Market.

In the event that pharmacotherapy is carried out on your own, you should still see a doctor. Symptoms for more than a few days may signal a bigger problem. Taking medications without consulting a specialist may contribute to the onset of liver disease, thus adding to your health problems.

For drug-induced liver damage, it is worth using natural dietary supplements, such as HepaDr. And in tablets.

What harms the liver

The liver is functioning at top speed every day and any deviations from the norm have a bad effect on it. In addition to medications, there are several factors that can damage the liver.


Even small amounts taken once in a while can disturb the functioning of the liver. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation, especially if you are taking medications. The mixing of these substances can be destructive to the liver.

This organ is responsible for filtering alcohol and is therefore extremely susceptible to its influence. Overuse of alcohol drinks can even lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Heavy drinking for several days in a row leads to fatty liver disease. The effect is reversible, so you should drink in moderation so as not to lead to the accumulation of fatty tissues in the liver cells.

  1. See also: How to Take Care of Your Liver When You Drink a Lot of Alcohol?

Overweight and obesity

Excess pounds and alcohol have a similar effect on the functioning of the liver. Extra pounds are deposited not only in the body’s fat tissue, but also in the liver cells. This can lead, as in the case of alcoholism, to fatty liver disease. Persistent steatosis is difficult to treat, as there is a possibility that it may even develop into cirrhosis quite quickly.

Symptoms of a sick liver

The first signs that the liver is not functioning properly come from the digestive system. Long-term use of medications is extremely demanding for him, so you need to be alert to deviations from the norm. Pain around the ribs may be one of the first symptoms of a fatty liver. What other ailments should you worry about? These are:

  1. swollen belly
  2. yellowing of the skin
  3. worse appetite,
  4. nausea,
  5. apathy and fatigue,
  6. brown discoloration on the skin,
  7. weight fluctuations,
  8. change in the color of urine to a darker color,
  9. swelling of various parts of the body
  10. worse blood clotting,
  11. easier bruising of the skin.

Liver disease

Many factors can contribute to the onset of liver disease. The symptoms that should be monitored are mentioned above. Ignoring the first signs of the disease can deteriorate the condition of the liver. Any deviation from the norm, especially in the case of pharmacotherapy, should be consulted with an internist.

Fatty liver

Liver cells are extremely prone to steatosis. Being overweight, taking medications, or consuming alcohol all result in fat in the hepatocytes. Their excess is deposited, and the organ cannot keep up with expelling them from the body. Fatty liver disease does not show symptoms immediately. When the liver stops working properly, you can already feel that it is enlarged. Well-being worsens and appetite decreases.


The long-term destruction of liver cells occurs as a result of inflammation or fibrosis in this organ. When this condition persists for a long time, a person develops cirrhosis of the liver. This disease is extremely difficult to treat, so careful monitoring of hepatic functions is recommended. The disease is irreversible, and therapy only heals the symptoms.

Cirrhosis of the liver affects not only the well-being, but also the appearance of the skin. Characteristic discoloration (yellowing or brown spots) appears. People suffering from it for a long time, in the absence of improvement, are often referred to liver transplantation as a result.

Drug-induced liver injury

When taking medications for a long time, you should not only be under the care of a specialist, but also an internist or hepatologist. If disturbing symptoms occur, you should go to an appointment, summarize what substances you are currently taking, and your doctor will order appropriate tests. What are performed if drug-induced liver injury is suspected? Belong to them:

  1. Ultrasound,
  2. urine test – determination of its color, density and bilirubin level,
  3. liver tests – after taking blood, the level of enzymes present in the liver (ALAT, AST, ALP, GGTP) is determined.

How to support liver regeneration

The liver is one of the most blood-supplied organs in the human body. Its regeneration takes place spontaneously, but there are cases when it needs support. Two factors are the most important.

Diet to support liver functions

A high-fat diet is one of the causes of poor liver function. The high content of fatty meals and junk food in the diet means that excess cholesterol and lipids are deposited in the liver cells. If you feel heavy or bloated after a meal, it is a sign that your organ is not keeping up with the production of bile. The liver is also burdened by alcohol and sweets, so they should be eliminated from the daily menu.

How to support the liver with a diet? When taking large amounts of medications, a balanced and nutritious diet should be followed. You should eat regularly and in small portions. Doctors recommend that you eat five or six smaller meals instead of three large meals.

It is worth starting supporting the liver by introducing more vegetables and fruits into the diet. Deep frying should be avoided. It is better to steam it as the ingredients retain more of their nutritional value. Providing the right amount of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and PP will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of this organ. They are found in cabbage, broccoli or soybeans.

Beetroot and grapefruit support cleansing the liver. Lemon, kale, and avocado have a similar effect. The liver works hardest at night. Drinking a fruit and vegetable cocktail based on these products before going to bed supports its effects.

Physical effort

Movement is essential for the body to function properly. The very fact of being in motion is important, so it doesn’t matter what kind of sport you do. Losing weight, when necessary, relieves the liver, because the body then gets rid of excess fat that accumulates in its vicinity. Sport oxygenates the body and makes the blood circulate faster. By increasing blood pumping, the liver can get rid of the harmful components faster. When taking medication, remember to ask your doctor for advice about what exercise will not hurt you.

The liver keeps you healthy

The liver is one of the organs in the human body responsible for its proper functioning. People taking medications are more prone to fatty liver disease or liver damage. It should be taken care of in order not to lead to the formation of dangerous inflammations.

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