How to take care of your liver when you drink a lot of alcohol?

The liver is one of the most important glands in the body. Reaching for alcohol from time to time will not harm her condition. On the other hand, excessive consumption of high-percentage drinks can have negative effects on the entire body, especially the liver. In order to regenerate it, you should absolutely give up drinking alcohol and introduce certain products to your menu. What ingredients should you enrich your daily diet with? What else can help keep my liver working properly when I drink a lot of alcohol?

  1. The liver is an important organ that is involved in many important physiological processes. One of its functions is to neutralize toxins from alcohol, drugs and food
  2. Excessive alcohol consumption also has a negative effect on liver function and can lead to alcoholic fatty liver disease
  3. When delivering a large dose of high-percentage alcohol to the body, you should take care of your liver. For this purpose, it is good to use, among others appropriate herbs and spices that can help in its regeneration
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Liver and its role in the body

The liver is an extremely important organ that is responsible for many important functions in the body, such as:

  1. taking part in the detoxification of the body from harmful substances, 
  2. storage of iron and some vitamins (A, D, K),
  3. synthesis of many important compounds, including, for example, blood coagulation factors. 

Remember that the liver is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Consuming alcohol in excessive amounts as well as fatty food can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. With the passage of time, the ailments intensify and then there comes a moment when it is often concluded that this organ should be regenerated.

Cessation of alcohol consumption helps regenerate the liver

Drinking alcohol in a large amount, it has a negative effect on the work of many systems and organs, and also leads to psychophysical addiction to high-percentage drinks. In particular, it has a destructive effect on the functioning of the liver. With chronic and excessive alcohol consumption, alcoholic fatty liver disease may develop, which is a damage to this organ. This condition is characterized by the accumulation of fat drops in the hepatocytes. This is what the liver is often exposed to the action of alcoholbecause this is where its metabolism takes place. Therefore, it is worth not to overdo it with the amount of drinks consumed or give it up altogether.

Supporting and protecting the liver has Magnolia Bark – 10% Magnolol – YANGO dietary supplement, which you can buy in packages of 60 capsules.

  1. Do you want to avoid cancer? Be careful with alcohol

What is alcoholic fatty liver disease?

90 percent alcohol abusers usually suffer from fatty liver disease. Moreover, it affects more women than men. The situation is similar when it comes to the pace of the disease progression (in females, its development is faster). This condition is dangerous because it is usually asymptomatic. This is the first stage of liver damage that at the beginning it can only be felt with a slight discomfort in the abdomenwhich is the effect of enlarging this organ. Failure to take any steps to prevent this disease results in the formation of necro-inflammatory changes in the liver. Then, this gland becomes alcoholic.

This disease, unlike steatosis, makes itself felt. The symptoms of its development include:

  1. tiredness, 
  2. nausea, 
  3. vomiting, 
  4. from. 

Many patients also experience liver enlargement, ascites and jaundice. Failure to stop drinking alcohol at this stage may consequently lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

What is the condition of your liver? It is worth doing preventive examinations, at least once a year. The Liver Pack is available from Medonet Market.

How to take care of your liver when you drink a lot of alcohol – liver diet

A special diet is recommended when consuming a large dose of alcoholto take care of the liver. In particular, it is important to eliminate fatty, hard-to-digest and fried products from the menu. The consumption of animal fats (e.g. lard and bacon) and spicy spices, canned food, pates and legumes should be limited. Also, confectionery, white bread, chocolate and other products rich in simple sugars have an adverse effect on the regeneration of the liver.

  1. The worst alcohol for the liver

Liver diet it is also associated with eating meals at small and even intervals (5-6 dishes a day). In addition, food should be prepared in an appropriate manner. It is recommended to cook, stew and bake dishes. An alternative to animal fats are vegetable polyunsaturated fats. Their excellent sources are rapeseed oil, sunflower oil or olive oil. You should also eat the right amount of lean poultry meat or dairy products (e.g. yoghurt and lean white cheese), in which you can find the recommended dose of wholesome protein.

Natural herbs and dietary supplements can support the liver. We recommend, for example, FOR THE LIVER – herbal set from Herbapol in Krakow, consisting of:

  1. silymarin capsules,
  2. Fix teas for the liver,
  3. capsules Gall bladder.

How to care for your liver when you drink a lot of alcohol – using milk thistle

Using a plant called milk thistle helps keep your liver in good condition. Preparations with this ingredient act as antioxidants, i.e. limit the activity of free radicals and inhibit cell aging. In addition, they reduce the risk of developing cancer. In addition, milk thistle prevents cirrhosis and fatty liver and has a protective effect on this organ against viruses, bacteria, mycotoxins and phytotoxins. All thanks to silymarin, which, among others:

  1. is responsible for the regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood,
  2. stimulates the functioning of the immune system, 
  3. is a factor limiting the development of diabetes, 
  4. is a protective element of the pancreas. 

It is recommended to use ground milk thistle seeds. First you need to pour a glass of boiling water over them. Then bring to a boil and cook the stock for 5 minutes. After standing aside and waiting for about 15 minutes, you should strain the infusion and drink it half a glass twice a day.

To support the work of the liver, it is worth drinking an infusion of the Liver – a mixture of herbs, in which we can find, among others barberry, milk thistle, turnip greens and artichoke. Milk thistle is also part of the Liver SteroHerbs – a herbal mixture available on Medonet Market.

Milk thistle is a natural means of supporting the functioning of the liver. You can buy it on Medonet Market, also at a promotional price.

How to care for your liver when you drink a lot of alcohol – turmeric

Turmeric is another product that helps maintain the proper condition of the liver when consuming a large dose of alcohol. This popular spice, due to the curcumin present in it, has a choleretic, choleretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. The use of extracts from turmeric improves the contractility of the gallbladder, and also stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juices. In addition, it has a positive effect on the protection of the liver. You can use turmeric powder in the form of a powder and add it to butter, salads, stews, pizza and other meals.

  1. The 8 worst foods for the liver. They can cause irreversible changes

How to care for the liver when you drink a lot of alcohol – black turnip root

Drinking black turnip extracts has a diuretic, detoxifying, choleretic, choleretic and disinfecting effect on the digestive system. The root of this ingredient can be used to prepare a juice that is consumed in an amount of 2-3 tablespoons twice a day). The anthocyanins and phytoncides contained in turnips have a beneficial effect on the liver. These substances support the work of the immune system. As a result, they help to prevent cancer and stimulate the production of bile by the liver. Such detoxification avoids the accumulation of negative substances, which improves the functioning of the organ and reduces the risk of diseases.

  1. How To Clean The Liver? These products help detox

How to care for your liver when you drink a lot of alcohol – artichoke

When drinking alcohol in excessive amounts, it is worth reaching for the artichoke. It has a choleretic and choleretic effect and has a protective effect on the liver. First of all, it determines the regeneration process of this organ. In addition, it helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and regulates glucose levels. Artichoke is a valued product due to the compounds present in it with antioxidant properties. In addition, it stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and prevents constipation.

  1. Early Symptoms That Alcohol Is Ruining Your Liver

How to take care of your liver when you drink a lot of alcohol – physical activity

If you want to regenerate your liver, you must definitely remember about physical activity. In particular, sport helps to reduce body weight and speeds up the elimination of fatty liver. According to studies, physical activity reduces the risk of death from liver disease by 73%. To increase this effect, you should add muscle strengthening training to your daily exercise.

How to care for your liver when you drink a lot of alcohol – phospholipids

The introduction of phospholipids into the body causes their incorporation into cell membranes and damaged hepatocytes (liver cells). As a result, the regeneration of this organ is accelerated, thus reducing its sensitivity to toxic substances. It is also worth remembering that phospholipids increase the activity of collagenase, which is an enzyme that breaks down collagen. Thus, they slow down liver fibrosis process.

The higher the phospholipid content in the bile, the faster the cholesterol solubilization mechanism occurs. As a result, its amount is limited in the bladder and bile ducts. Lecithin (phospholipid) can be found primarily in soybeans and yolks. It is worth remembering that it also helps in the absorption of vitamins and participates in metabolism.

How long does liver regeneration take?

It should be taken into account that the liver has tremendous regenerative capacity. Even its damage in 75 percent. can cause it to rebuild itself. However, the time of this process depends on the condition of this organ and the patient’s lifestyle. Liver regeneration it usually lasts from a few weeks to several months for alcohol abusers. A one-time load on this gland is associated with waiting 1-2 days for the reconstruction.

If you want to take care of your liver, regularly drink the Klimuszko Tajemnica Zdrowej Liver Klimuszko, which does not contain alcohol and is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

It is worth taking care of the liver, especially when drinking a large dose of alcohol regularly. In particular, it is recommended to completely refrain from consuming high-alcohol drinks. Certain recommendations should be followed to support the regeneration of the liver. In particular, remember to avoid fatty and hard-to-digest foods. In addition, some herbs and spices rich in compounds with choleretic and choleretic properties have a beneficial effect. Of course, you cannot forget about physical activity, which is a key element in maintaining the proper functioning of the liver.

To take care of your liver, drink HEPATEFIX every day – a herbal tea that has a positive effect on the biliary tract.

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