Due to the passage of time, long hours spent over a book or in front of a monitor, as well as by ill-fitting glasses and a poor diet, over time the eyes become less efficient. What to do to still be able to enjoy a wide field and range of vision?
The first way is exercise. Not everyone knows that the eyes can also be trained. Just like the muscles of the body without movement lose elasticity, perform their functions worse and eventually disappear, the same eye muscles will perform their functions worse without proper training. We don’t think about them every day, but it is the contraction of these muscles that makes us feel pain in the eyes after a night spent in front of the computer, especially when moving the eyeballs. To prevent this, it is enough to take your eyes off the monitor or book once an hour for a few minutes and let them rest, looking into the distance. You can also do simple gymnastics – look up, down, and sideways, several times. If we sit in front of the computer all day, we must introduce eye exercises to our calendar. It is good to give your eyes a good rest on days off, because it is not natural for them to constantly focus their eyes on objects located close to them and they also need the opportunity to “straighten” the eye muscles. We need to start spending more time outdoors. Observing the beauty of the landscape or even a walk around the city combined with observing passers-by and architecture is not a whim, but an activity necessary for our eyes, which we should perform regularly.
However, the condition of the eyes can also be improved with appropriate natural preparations:
- Beta-carotene and vitamin A. – improve the general condition of the eyes and their health, extend the period of eye health until old age. In addition, beta-carotene prevents night blindness.
- Medical firefly – is one of the most popular herbs used for eye health. Although it does not affect the inside of the eye, it improves the condition of its surroundings. It reduces puffiness under the eyes, soothes redness and burning eyes. Chamomile and black tea are also anti-inflammatory for the eye area. Therefore, these three herbs can be used for conjunctivitis for faster recovery and relief of symptoms.
- blueberry – contains anticyanins that improve the condition of the eye, especially night vision. Such ingredients also contain currants or Polish forest berries in smaller amounts.
- Common starlet – helps fight redness and improves vision during conjunctivitis. It shortens the duration of this ailment.