It’s time for the temperature to get warmer. This is a particularly difficult time for people struggling with heart disease. The heart, weakened by the disease, does not tolerate additional loads well. And this is undoubtedly the heat and increased temperature. It causes the body to get tired faster, because it uses all the energy to fight the heat.
During the heat, we can also observe problems with concentration, fatigue, drowsiness and irritability.
People with heart conditions should follow a few simple rules:
- avoiding crowded rooms – it is worth taking a walk instead of traveling by a crowded tram or bus. Long standing in line or shopping in a crowded market are also inadvisable. In these places, we have limited access to fresh air, there is stuffiness, which makes it easy to faint
- drinking plenty of fluids – In hot weather, the body can quickly become dehydrated. This results in a heavy burden on the body and the heart itself, which is already overextended. Remember to drink fluids frequently. Preferably in amounts of about 2 liters during the day. It is advisable to consume mineral water, which will additionally provide the body with microelements
- avoiding the sun – when the sun is at its strongest, it should be avoided. Walks should take place until 10 am and after 16 pm, 17 pm. Then the sun’s rays are not so harmful. During the day, you can stay indoors, in a shaded room, or outdoors, but in the shade. Clothing should be light and made of natural materials (linen, cotton) so that it is easily breathable and does not irritate the body. Clothing should be in light colors – dark colors attract the sun’s rays
- following a light diet – diet during hot weather should be easily digestible. Fatty and fried foods should be excluded from the menu. They negatively affect the circulatory system by burdening the heart. The diet should include seasonal fruits and vegetables, dairy products and lean meat, preferably cooked, and sea fish
- rest – every physical effort is a challenge for the heart. Physical activity in hot weather is especially risky. It is worth dedicating this period to passive relaxation and rest. Physical effort should be kept to a minimum. In the event that professional work does not allow you to completely eliminate it from our lifestyle, you should remember about frequent breaks in the shade
- body cooling – it is worth taking short, cool showers twice a day to cool the body
- use of creams with a filter – if there is a need to go out in the sun, you will need a cream with a UVA and UVB filter
If we want to take advantage of the holiday, we should think about a place where we will not be constantly exposed to the sun’s rays. For holidays, we do not choose to stay at the seaside, in tropical countries or in the mountains. So you can choose to stay by the lake or surrounded by forests.
However, regardless of where we choose a place to stay, we should remember about the rules that will allow us to enjoy rest without unduly burdening our hearts.