How to take calcium during pregnancy: how much, from what week, why, which

How to take calcium during pregnancy: how much, from what week, why, which

2% of our body weight is calcium. It is a constituent element of cartilage and bones, it takes part in many metabolic processes. It is especially important for pregnant women. Understand why women in a special situation need it, and what products contain this trace element.

Why is calcium needed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the need for this trace element increases exactly 2 times. Now you need at least 1500 mg of calcium per day. During this period, calcium consumption increases and bone mass decreases. Bone mass will be fully restored only after a full menstruation, until this time you need to maintain it on your own.

Calcium during pregnancy can be obtained from food or pharmacy supplements

If the fetus does not receive enough calcium, its physical and mental development will stall. The risk of a dangerous disease, rickets, will increase.

You can determine the lack of calcium at home according to the following criteria:

  • nails became brittle, exfoliated;
  • the condition of the teeth deteriorated sharply, they began to crumble, caries appeared;
  • hair became brittle and dry, split ends appeared, hair loss increased;
  • leg cramps in the second or third trimester;
  • severe early toxicosis appeared;
  • legs are in constant tone;
  • the woman is constantly nervous and anxious.

Also, the doctor may prescribe this trace element if there is a risk of premature birth.

The main source of calcium is food and only then pharmaceutical supplements. Most of this trace element is found in milk and dairy products, cheese, green vegetables and nuts. Among dairy products, the leaders in calcium content are natural yoghurt without sweeteners, low-fat cheese and yogurt.

For vegetables, lean on cabbage and broccoli most of all, and almonds for nuts. By the way, all vegetables that contain oxalic acid do not contain calcium at all. Examples of such vegetables are spinach and beets.

The traditional method of replenishing calcium in the body is with the help of eggshells. Grind it into powder and add it little by little to food.

If there is not enough calcium from the products, the doctor will tell you which pharmacy calcium you need to choose. Do not self-medicate!

Don’t forget about your daily calcium requirement. Its excess will also negatively affect the body. The main symptom of an excess of calcium is stones in the urinary and gall bladder.

What week to take calcium?

On average, this supplement is prescribed from the 20th week. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe this supplement earlier. It all depends on your analyzes.

Now you know that calcium is important during pregnancy. It must be obtained from food and pharmaceutical supplements. The doctor who leads your pregnancy will help you decide on the choice.

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