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We may argue whether we are dealing with a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic in Poland, but no one disputes that with the beginning of autumn, the flu season has started in Poland. Until spring, as every year, we will be plagued by viruses that have been known for years. Can we protect ourselves against an aggravated attack of infection?

  1. Masks, social distancing and frequent hand washing – these recommendations are still valid today
  2. This season, getting vaccinated against the flu is a key health issue
  3. We can reduce the risk of infection thanks to physical activity, proper diet and adequate sleep
  4. You can find more health articles on the TvoiLokony homepage

We wear masks every day and on holidays

It gets colder outside, it gets dark faster, and we spend more and more time indoors. Even before the coronavirus appeared in Poland, medics encouraged us to take care of immunity at the beginning of autumn. Now it is even more important to care for her. It is also worth using the available means of protection against infections.

Much has been said about protecting against the coronavirus. Recommendations remain the same. Hands should be washed frequently and thoroughly; keep at least 1,5 – 2 meters away from others and wear a mask.

According to dr hab. Tomasz Dzieiątkowski, a microbiologist and virologist from the Chair and Department of Medical Microbiology of the Medical University of Warsaw: “Poles should not give up wearing masks, even if they are not obliged to do so”.

– I was one of the first to say that we should wear masks and I will be the last to persuade to take them off – says Dr. Dziecitkowski.

– Let’s do what we’ve been doing so far. First of all, let’s follow the rules of hygiene, wash your hands with soap and water as often as possible – she adds.

The virologist urges us not to forget to properly cover the mouth and nose. “Let us not wear masks just like on the chin, but let them really cover our nose and mouth”.

A similar opinion was expressed by the doctor. Łukasz Durajski: «I repeat like a mantra: keep your distance, wear masks, wash your hands. We will not do otherwise ».

Following these recommendations will automatically reduce the likelihood of catching another respiratory infection. After all, flu viruses and those that cause common colds spread the same way.

Dr. Grzesiowski, a specialist in the field of immunology and infection therapy, emphasizes that protective masks have a useful life. If the mask becomes wet, soaks up with steam and saliva, it should be washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees Celsius. However, disposable masks should be thrown away.

Remember that all meetings are better organized outside. Let us try to avoid places where it is crowded and it is difficult to keep social distance.

First of all, let’s get vaccinated against the flu

This season, the flu vaccine is especially important. Whenever possible, we should listen to suggestions from, among others, US CDC and vaccinated by the end of October.

  1. Editors recommend: Everything you need to know about the flu vaccine for the 2020/2021 season

– In fact, we all have indications for influenza vaccination if we contact a large number of people – says Dr. Agnieszka Motyl, a specialist in family medicine and an epidemiologist from Medicover. – The vaccine is especially recommended for people at risk of a severe course of the disease, i.e. children up to five years of age, people over 55 years of age and all those who have chronic diseases or immunity disorders.

Are you infected with the coronavirus or someone close to you has COVID-19? Or maybe you work in the health service? Would you like to share your story or report any irregularities that you have witnessed or affected? Write to us at: [email protected]. We guarantee anonymity!

– On the other hand, in the group with indications for vaccination for epidemiological reasons, there are people caring for small children, people who have small children or the elderly in their environment, or people with chronic diseases. They also include healthcare workers, nurseries, kindergartens, schools, long-term care facilities – adds Dr. Motyl.

Dr. Agnieszka Motyl goes further and advises us: “Let’s get vaccinated on everything possible to reduce the risk of any infection and reduce the need for medical advice. In the case of an acute respiratory infection, we will not be able to distinguish between what is and what is not COVID-19. “

It is worth bearing in mind that not every disease will be diagnosed over the phone. And to take a quick test for infection with the flu virus, you need to go to a medical facility in person.

  1. Read the full interview with an epidemiologist: How to prepare for the second wave of coronavirus in Poland?

Let’s not avoid physical activity in the fresh air

Even when the temperature outside drops, it is nice to go for a walk or have a meeting around the fire. Not only do we maintain social bonds, which strengthens the psyche, but we are also safer than, for example, in a pub.

Dr. Leana Wen, a professor at the Milken Institute of Public Health at Washington University, says that if we can keep our distance from people we don’t live with, we don’t need to wear a mask outside. The same goes for a lonely walk.

According to Dr. Agnieszka Motyl, “sleep and physical activity are essential to support immunity”.

– It has been proven that systematic physical activity increases the level of immune cells and prevents age-related deterioration of their functions – explains Dr. Motyl. – Instead of buying dietary supplements, we should use a prescription for exercise every day (at least 30 minutes) and an adequate amount of sleep (for an adult person not less than 7 hours).

What about your diet? Dr. Motyl advises you to take care of a varied and balanced diet that will provide all the micro- and macroelements and vitamins. However, to strengthen immunity, only vitamin D supplementation is really recommended.

  1. Vitamin D Deficiency Increases COVID-19 Risk?

Let’s avoid the holiday crowd

A pandemic could affect our approach to tradition. Let’s think how we will spend All Saints’ Day. It is not only about crowds in cemeteries, but also trips to graves and the accompanying family meetings in a wider group.

“ We know that the spread of the coronavirus is driven not by contacts with strangers, but those with long-lost family and friends, ‘says Dr Wen. – Let’s not lose our vigilance especially towards our relatives.

Experts say the holidays should not be taken exceptionally. The virus ignores them, it spreads as soon as people meet. Therefore, we do not organize family reunions or large dinners in a restaurant. Here the situation is the same as in the case of weddings.

– I can understand the need for a funeral – says the drug. Łukasz Durajski. – We will not move this, everyone wants to say goodbye, although we can limit the number of people here.

If we have to go to the other end of Poland to visit the graves of loved ones, we should rather choose our own car. If we decide to train, we must limit our exposure to viruses. And here again masks and hygiene rules are bowing.

According to CDC standards, it is safest to limit contacts to people with whom we run a common household.

We are tired of the pandemic, but… let’s be responsible

The pandemic has been going on for over half a year. Most of us try to remember to put on masks, limitations related to staying in closed rooms, parties or traveling. Some, however, feel tired of it and begin to rebel. This is the case not only in Poland. That is why medics repeat the words like a mantra – as long as we do not have a vaccine against the coronavirus, it is up to us whether and how we will protect each other.

Dr. Leana Wen gives an example of driving after drinking alcohol. Just because we’ve avoided a major accident once doesn’t mean we’ll have it the next time. The more often we take a risk, the higher the likelihood of infection.

  1. COVID-19 or the flu? Here are some details to distinguish them –

Compliance with the recommendations is a universal way to protect not only against coronavirus, but also other viral infections transmitted by droplets – says Dr. Motyl. – But there is one more important thing – responsibility for others. The refusal to cover the mouth and nose where it is mandatory is not only a violation of the applicable law, but a disregard for the common good, which is a healthy society, and is evidence of extreme selfishness. So let’s wear masks. If we have symptoms of the disease, we should give up attending parties, we should not come to the office. The same applies to children – sick children should not go to kindergarten or school.

Bow. Łukasz Durajski notes: – There is huge resistance in Polish society, although I repeat regularly: distance, a mask and washing hands are almost a XNUMX% guarantee that you will not get infected and you will not spread the virus. According to Durajski, our national mentality has a significant influence on this situation. People think that since their family is healthy, they are not affected by the virus. Until someone close to me dies, why should I worry about it?

It is also worth strengthening immunity by reaching for the warming Natjun tea with ginger, hawthorn, raspberries and ginseng. It is available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Why do we usually get colds or the flu in fall and winter? [WE EXPLAIN]
  2. Symptoms of virus infection. Three basic and a whole list of non-standard
  3. When one of your loved ones dies, it will be too late [COMMENTARY]

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